[FilterScript] Easy Rank system - Printable Version
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Easy Rank system -
Private200 - 29.10.2012
I was boured so i made a rank system for trucking / roleplay servers .
Some credits goes to : [HiC]TheKiller for his textdraw tutorial
It is really easy to use
Hope you like it
Here codes are :
pawn Код:
/* Don't remove credits !!
Made by Private200
Hope it helps you!!
#include <a_samp>
new Text:Textdraw2;
new rank[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
new TRank[150];
public OnFilterScriptInit()
Textdraw2 = TextDrawCreate(390.000000, 0.000000, "Rank:~r~");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw2, 16711935);
TextDrawFont(Textdraw2, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw2, 0.570000, 2.700000);
TextDrawColor(Textdraw2, 65535);
TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw2, 1);
TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw2, 1);
return 1;
public OnPlayerSpawn( playerid )
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, Textdraw2 );
return 1;
public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
new string[ 128 ];
if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 1000)
rank[ playerid ] = 6;
TRank = " "; /// The rank name
else if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 700)
rank[ playerid ] = 5;
TRank = " "; /// The rank name
else if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 500)
rank[ playerid ] = 4;
TRank = " "; /// The rank name
else if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 200)
rank[ playerid ] = 3;
TRank = " "; /// The rank name
else if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 100)
rank[ playerid ] = 2;
TRank = " "; /// The rank name
else if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 50)
rank[ playerid ] = 1;
TRank = " "; /// The rank name
else if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) >= 0)
rank[ playerid ] = 0;
TRank = " "; /// The rank name
format( string, sizeof string, "Rank:~r~ %d ~y~Rank:~w~ %s", rank[ playerid ],TRank);
TextDrawSetString( Textdraw2, string );
return 1;
PasteBin code :
After the update of the script in the forum , i was unable to update it on PasteBin . will update it soon!
Advanced Rank system has been relased . Here link is for all who wanna check it out
Re: Easy Rank system -
Skillet` - 29.10.2012
format( string, sizeof string, "~y~Rank:~w~ %s", rank[ playerid ],TRank);
you put two parameters and 1 format string ?
Re: Easy Rank system -
Private200 - 29.10.2012
It is used better for the rank . Example i made it with the 0 and rank name
Mean of :
If you are a newbie (just joined server , 0 score) you are rank 0 . And you got the Newbie title . Based on title you got rank

rank 0 = newbie
rank 1 = good
rank 2 = pro
etc like this
There is no problem , i think , if there is , tell me so i fix it
Re: Easy Rank system -
AnGeL_KRAMER - 30.10.2012
PHP код:
public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
case 0...49: rank[playerid] = 0,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 50...99: rank[playerid] = 1,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 100...199: rank[playerid] = 2,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 200...499: rank[playerid] = 3,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 500...799: rank[playerid] = 4,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 800...8000: rank[playerid] = 5,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
format( string, sizeof string, "~y~Rank:~w~ %s", rank[ playerid ],TRank);
TextDrawSetString( Textdraw0, string );
Can not you have done so?
Re: Easy Rank system -
Private200 - 30.10.2012
Originally Posted by AnGeL_KRAMER
PHP код:
public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
case 0...49: rank[playerid] = 0,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 50...99: rank[playerid] = 1,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 100...199: rank[playerid] = 2,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 200...499: rank[playerid] = 3,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 500...799: rank[playerid] = 4,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
case 800...8000: rank[playerid] = 5,TRank = "Put your the rank you like here";
format( string, sizeof string, "~y~Rank:~w~ %s", rank[ playerid ],TRank);
TextDrawSetString( Textdraw0, string );
Can not you have done so?
Nope you cannot do it like that because it will mess up
Re: Easy Rank system -
DeTix - 30.10.2012
Big shit with trojans :// He is copy it from another script! COPY SCRIPTER! We dont like copy scripters!
Re: Easy Rank system -
Private200 - 30.10.2012
trolollol . -.-''
STFU Detix . Post me scripter of this here .
It is not copy
Re: Easy Rank system -
DeTix - 30.10.2012
Re: Easy Rank system -
DarkyTheAngel - 30.10.2012
Originally Posted by DeTix
Shut the fu*k up !
ON : Good job !
Re: Easy Rank system -
Private200 - 31.10.2012
Originally Posted by DarkyTheAngel
Shut the fu*k up !
ON : Good job !
Thx for your support man
Originally Posted by Jordan98
Very good the Ranking Filescript , congratulations, good job.
Thanks .
Advanced Rank system coming soon