pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[])
if ( Muted [ playerid ] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage ( playerid , -1 , "You've been muted from the chat." ) ;
if ( ( text [ 0 ] == '*' ) && PlayerData [ playerid ] [ VIPLvl ] >= 1 && strlen(text) > 1 )
format ( SStr , sizeof ( SStr ) , "|ChatVip| %s(%d): %s" , pName ( playerid ) , playerid , text [ 1 ] ) ;
MessageToPlayerVIP ( -1 , SStr ) ;
SaveLog ( "VIPChatLog" , SStr ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( ( text [ 0 ] == '#' ) && PlayerData [ playerid ] [ AdmLvl ] >= 1 && strlen(text) > 1 )
format ( SStr , sizeof ( SStr ) , "Admin Chat: %s: %s" , pName ( playerid ) , text [ 1 ] ) ;
MessageToAdmins ( green , SStr ) ;
SaveLog ( "AdmChatLog" , SStr ) ;
return 0 ;
if(text[0] != '#' && text[0] != '*')
SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, text);
SaveChatLog ( playerid , "ChatLogs" , text ) ;
return 0 ;
forward MessageToAdmins ( color , const string[] ) ;
public MessageToAdmins ( color , const string[] )
foreach (new i : Player)
if(PlayerData[ i ][ AdmLvl ] >= 1 )
SendClientMessage ( i , color , string ) ;
return 0;
forward MessageToPlayerVIP(color,const string[]);
public MessageToPlayerVIP(color,const string[])
foreach(Player, i)
if(PlayerData[i][VIPLvl] >= 1)
SendClientMessage ( i , color , string );
return 0;
If that does not work, try searching any other filterscripts or gamemodes you are using, and remove any code under OnPlayerText that might affect this outcome.