05.09.2012, 20:00
The invalid statements being the following. The script was absent of an engine system being capable of doing it's intended routine, that's a complete lie. There are no real bug regarding that. I never stated "No it hasn't", I pertained to the existence of the bug. I never stated anything in a sarcastic manner. I spoke out of pure candor and wholeheartedly throughtout the conversation. Your decency telling me I'm not helpful what so ever? That I lack programming skills?
I never accused you of lying. I never accused you of anything, I stated it's probably a character bug due to the engine variable saving. If you really consider me an ill-mannered individual, you don't express it like you did. A well-mannered individual express their opinions and dialogs well, not "You're a bad programmer", you say it politely. I never moaned at you through /o or /b at all. You said that instantly, I can get proof for that as well if you want me to. Anyhow, you're the one conducting yourself badly here. You brought up a thread to merely judge my server, albeit your ill-mannered ways lead to it in the beginning. Instead of complaining through the SA:MP forums, learn how to take constructively to an individual, it'd do you better in all honesty. Except for that, thanks for responding. |
You did not say "You're a liar", but I told you that I had experienced the bug and you said that I hadn't. That's saying that I am not telling the truth, or that I am lying. I quite enjoyed your server and I wanted to better it. Even if there is a bug with the "character variable", something went wrong in your script to cause it. Even if you had said "Okay, I will look into it", and then never looked into it, I would not have been offended. The fact that you said that what I was saying was not true offended me.
I created the other thread so that people will not suffer the same fate that I did, because I spent time earning a house and car on the server and then for some reason you felt a ban acceptable for me questioning your programming skills. If I tell Kalcor that he doesn't know what he is doing after he accuses me of lying, I doubt I'd be banned from the forums. If someone told me about a bug, and then I had little enough manners to accuse them of lying, I would expect a lot more than "You have no idea how to program."
Please explain why you think I would suddenly go from saying "Hey, there's a bug with the engine system" to "You have no idea how to program"? Because I wouldn't, without provocation.