Clearing our name. -
Andregood - 05.09.2012
Recently, an individual going by the name Jeff Wilson reported to the SA:MP forums that our server thoroughly crapped on him. This is incorrect by significant amounts. He was slightly right about the banning, as we did ban him.
We banned him due to the following reasons:
Offending players and administrators.
Making up several invalid statements.
I was the individual who executed the actual ban and therefore know for certain that his ban was just.
I merely came here to clear our servers name, as I felt it became as necessity as several individuals apparently listened to him. I just needed to state that the ban was just and his puerile demeanour was excessive.
Thank you for reading.
Re: Clearing our name. -
Deathh - 05.09.2012
It's your server. Your choice. Nobody can tell you what to do when it's your server - Aslong as you don't go against the TOS that is !
Re: Clearing our name. -
Mark™ - 05.09.2012
SA-MP only gets in-between when some server tends to violate sa-mp server's TOS, other than that, it's your server, ban whoever you find fit for.
Re: Clearing our name. -
carz0159 - 05.09.2012
ya, noone really cares...we need to see some evidence because right now, its word against word.
Re: Clearing our name. -
CaHbKo - 05.09.2012
Originally Posted by carz0159
ya, noone really cares...we need to see some evidence because right now, its word against word.
Re: Clearing our name. -
shitbird - 05.09.2012
Stop bullshitting and provide logs, screenshots you name it.
We don't care if it's merely your words against his.
Re: Clearing our name. -
Andregood - 05.09.2012
I find this excessive as I am simply clearing my servers name. And do not for once say to me I'm bullshitting as I'm definitely not.
I've provided you with the occurrance.
[23:45:21] [command] Jeff_Wilson (3) executes: /o It's not my fault that you have no programming knowledge whatsoever XD
[23:45:27] [command] Conner_Hemsworth (0) executes: /o Right.. - ME
[23:45:29] [command] Paul_Dash (2) executes: /kick 3 Later
Subsequently I remotely banned him. We also had a basic argument where he resorted to telling me I knew nothing and wasn't helpful what so ever to newbies(before leading to this).
Re: Clearing our name. -
EliteDrive - 05.09.2012
Originally Posted by Andregood
I find this excessive as I am simply clearing my servers name. And do not for once say to me I'm bullshitting as I'm definitely not.
I've provided you with the occurrance.
[23:45:21] [command] Jeff_Wilson (3) executes: /o It's not my fault that you have no programming knowledge whatsoever XD
[23:45:27] [command] Conner_Hemsworth (0) executes: /o Right.. - ME
[23:45:29] [command] Paul_Dash (2) executes: /kick 3 Later
Subsequently I remotely banned him. We also had a basic argument where he resorted to telling me I knew nothing and wasn't helpful what so ever to newbies(before leading to this).
The /ban could of been easily changed to /kick, and what he said was true the poster that said whatever he said against your server... He still the truth, nothing changed yet....
It's not my fault that you have no programming knowledge
I don't see how its offending admins or and other players.
AW: Clearing our name. -
Elorreli - 05.09.2012
This is... probably not the right section nor the right forums for this..
Re: Clearing our name. -
Markyto - 05.09.2012
Originally Posted by EliteDrive
The /ban could of been easily changed to /kick, and what he said was true the poster that said whatever he said against your server... He still the truth, nothing changed yet....
I don't see how its offending admins or and other players.
So, basically he insults the work of Andre by claiming he has no knowledge of programming due to probably a little lag which caused something to work slower. I'm the one who kicked him, he didn't like the script(insulting the scripter's knowledge of programming), we shown him the way out.
Simple as that.
Re: Clearing our name. -
Andregood - 05.09.2012
Do you even listen? The /remoteban happened subsequently, those are correct logs and haven't been changed even the slightest except for the -me. And yes that did offend me and my second in charge. That was the result уf an insta kick, him returning was the ban. And that's not the part that offended the players, he told us in /o we had several bugs that were non-existent what so ever. He also told me specifically I wasn't helpful at all when actually trying to help him.
@Elorreli, Yeah you may be right, not quite certain to be honest. I expect the topic to be removed anyhow.
@Markyto, Thank you for stating that.
Re: Clearing our name. -
Finn - 05.09.2012
You surely aren't clearing your name by providing evidence how people cannot express their honest opinions in your community.
Re: Clearing our name. -
jameskmonger - 05.09.2012
I said, in /o, that /engine didn't turn my vehicle engine off or on, and that it was on when the vehicle spawned. You teleported to me, I asked if you were an admin. You said you were the owner. I told you that the bug had been occuring for the duration of my time on the server and you said "no it hasn't". I told you that I had always experienced the bug, and you again said that I had never experienced the bug. You then made a sarcastic comment, saying "it must be your character

", and so I said "/o It's not my fault that you have no programming knowledge whatsoever XD" before being kicked. The fact that you accused me of lying about a bug, especially when I had the decency to report it (I had no obligation to report it, I simply wanted to better the server).
You claimed that I offended many players and admins, yet you can only provide proof of one "insult", which was after you accused me of lying about a bug (I'm pretty sure that 95% of people would be rude back if you were to accuse them of lying.) Telling me that a bug doesn't exist, even though I did /engine, you saw "Jeff Wilson turns his vehicle engine off." and you saw that I was then able to drive off is
not trying to help me.
Also, you said that I "made up several invalid statements." Please, as I do not remember, show me these statements. If you are saying that I lied about the bug, you're an idiot. Why would I lie about a bug? Do you think I sit at home, behind my computer screen, with an evil smile on my face, thinking to myself "heh heh heh he's looking at the engine command, all thanks to me"? Because I don't.
All you've shown is that you are unconstructive, rude, a liar, egotistical, /ban-happy, and just generally not a very nice person.
And we didn't have a "basic argument". I got tired of you denying the existence of a bug which both of us could clearly see, and so I drove off. You began to moan at me in /o and I retaliated. I said that you weren't helpful to
Re: Clearing our name. - [MM]IKKE - 05.09.2012
For once this picture really applies
Why don't you guys fight it over on your own forums? Really, anyone who read the previous thread about the server didn't think a second about it. The other thread was as crappy as this and has been removed. This will be removed as well.
Re: Clearing our name. -
iGetty - 05.09.2012
Originally Posted by jameskmonger
I said, in /o, that /engine didn't turn my vehicle engine off or on, and that it was on when the vehicle spawned. You teleported to me, I asked if you were an admin. You said you were the owner. I told you that the bug had been occuring for the duration of my time on the server and you said "no it hasn't". I told you that I had always experienced the bug, and you again said that I had never experienced the bug. You then made a sarcastic comment, saying "it must be your character  ", and so I said "/o It's not my fault that you have no programming knowledge whatsoever XD" before being kicked. The fact that you accused me of lying about a bug, especially when I had the decency to report it (I had no obligation to report it, I simply wanted to better the server).
You claimed that I offended many players and admins, yet you can only provide proof of one "insult", which was after you accused me of lying about a bug (I'm pretty sure that 95% of people would be rude back if you were to accuse them of lying.) Telling me that a bug doesn't exist, even though I did /engine, you saw "Jeff Wilson turns his vehicle engine off." and you saw that I was then able to drive off is not trying to help me.
Also, you said that I "made up several invalid statements." Please, as I do not remember, show me these statements. If you are saying that I lied about the bug, you're an idiot. Why would I lie about a bug? Do you think I sit at home, behind my computer screen, with an evil smile on my face, thinking to myself "heh heh heh he's looking at the engine command, all thanks to me"? Because I don't.
All you've shown is that you are unconstructive, rude, a liar, egotistical, /ban-happy, and just generally not a very nice person.
And we didn't have a "basic argument". I got tired of you denying the existence of a bug which both of us could clearly see, and so I drove off. You began to moan at me in /o and I retaliated. I said that you weren't helpful to me.
I've spoken to James before and I can tell you he wouldn't have been rude without reason.
I believe word for word what he said and the comment:
All you've shown is that you are unconstructive, rude, a liar, egotistical, /ban-happy, and just generally not a very nice person.
I agree 100000%.
Re: Clearing our name. -
jameskmonger - 05.09.2012
Originally Posted by [MM]IKKE
For once this picture really applies
Why don't you guys fight it over on your own forums? Really, anyone who read the previous thread about the server didn't think a second about it. The other thread was as crappy as this and has been removed. This will be removed as well.
Oh, sorry man, please don't ban me. Oh wait, you can't. You're not a moderator. Stop acting like one.
Re: Clearing our name. -
Duck - 05.09.2012
lol, abusive admin bans someone for expressing their opinion.
Re: Clearing our name. -
Andregood - 05.09.2012
Originally Posted by jameskmonger
I said, in /o, that /engine didn't turn my vehicle engine off or on, and that it was on when the vehicle spawned. You teleported to me, I asked if you were an admin. You said you were the owner. I told you that the bug had been occuring for the duration of my time on the server and you said "no it hasn't". I told you that I had always experienced the bug, and you again said that I had never experienced the bug. You then made a sarcastic comment, saying "it must be your character  ", and so I said "/o It's not my fault that you have no programming knowledge whatsoever XD" before being kicked. The fact that you accused me of lying about a bug, especially when I had the decency to report it (I had no obligation to report it, I simply wanted to better the server).
You claimed that I offended many players and admins, yet you can only provide proof of one "insult", which was after you accused me of lying about a bug (I'm pretty sure that 95% of people would be rude back if you were to accuse them of lying.) Telling me that a bug doesn't exist, even though I did /engine, you saw "Jeff Wilson turns his vehicle engine off." and you saw that I was then able to drive off is not trying to help me.
Also, you said that I "made up several invalid statements." Please, as I do not remember, show me these statements. If you are saying that I lied about the bug, you're an idiot. Why would I lie about a bug? Do you think I sit at home, behind my computer screen, with an evil smile on my face, thinking to myself "heh heh heh he's looking at the engine command, all thanks to me"? Because I don't.
All you've shown is that you are unconstructive, rude, a liar, egotistical, /ban-happy, and just generally not a very nice person.
And we didn't have a "basic argument". I got tired of you denying the existence of a bug which both of us could clearly see, and so I drove off. You began to moan at me in /o and I retaliated. I said that you weren't helpful to me.
The invalid statements being the following. The script was absent of an engine system being capable of doing it's intended routine, that's a complete lie. There are no real bug regarding that. I never stated "No it hasn't", I pertained to the existence of the bug. I never stated anything in a sarcastic manner. I spoke out of pure candor and wholeheartedly throughtout the conversation. Your decency telling me I'm not helpful what so ever? That I lack programming skills?
I never accused you of lying. I never accused you of anything, I stated it's probably a character bug due to the engine variable saving. If you really consider me an ill-mannered individual, you don't express it like you did.
A well-mannered individual express their opinions and dialogs well, not "You're a bad programmer", you say it politely. I never moaned at you through /o or /b at all. You said that instantly, I can get proof for that as well if you want me to.
Anyhow, you're the one conducting yourself badly here. You brought up a thread to merely judge my server, albeit your ill-mannered ways lead to it in the beginning. Instead of complaining through the SA:MP forums, learn how to take constructively to an individual, it'd do you better in all honesty.
@Duck, It would've been different if he expressioned himself politely.
Except for that, thanks for responding.
Re: Clearing our name. -
jameskmonger - 05.09.2012
Originally Posted by Andregood
The invalid statements being the following. The script was absent of an engine system being capable of doing it's intended routine, that's a complete lie. There are no real bug regarding that. I never stated "No it hasn't", I pertained to the existence of the bug. I never stated anything in a sarcastic manner. I spoke out of pure candor and wholeheartedly throughtout the conversation. Your decency telling me I'm not helpful what so ever? That I lack programming skills?
I never accused you of lying. I never accused you of anything, I stated it's probably a character bug due to the engine variable saving. If you really consider me an ill-mannered individual, you don't express it like you did.
A well-mannered individual express their opinions and dialogs well, not "You're a bad programmer", you say it politely. I never moaned at you through /o or /b at all. You said that instantly, I can get proof for that as well if you want me to.
Anyhow, you're the one conducting yourself badly here. You brought up a thread to merely judge my server, albeit your ill-mannered ways lead to it in the beginning. Instead of complaining through the SA:MP forums, learn how to take constructively to an individual, it'd do you better in all honesty.
Except for that, thanks for responding.
Do you genuinely think I am pathetic enough to create lies and stories about engine systems on SA-MP servers? Because I'm not. Can you think of any possible reason why someone would lie about an engine system? Because I can't. You were not polite, you told me that the bug I was telling you about did not exist. I told you that I had experienced it before and you said "No you haven't".
You did not say "You're a liar", but I told you that I had experienced the bug and you said that I hadn't. That's saying that I am not telling the truth, or that I am lying. I quite enjoyed your server and I wanted to better it. Even if there is a bug with the "character variable", something went wrong in
your script to cause it. Even if you had said "Okay, I will look into it", and then never looked into it, I would not have been offended. The fact that you said that what I was saying was not true offended me.
I created the other thread so that people will not suffer the same fate that I did, because I spent time earning a house and car on the server and then for some reason you felt a ban acceptable for me questioning your programming skills. If I tell Kalcor that he doesn't know what he is doing after he accuses me of lying, I doubt I'd be banned from the forums. If someone told me about a bug, and then I had little enough manners to accuse them of lying, I would expect a lot more than "You have no idea how to program."
Please explain why you think I would suddenly go from saying "Hey, there's a bug with the engine system" to "You have no idea how to program"? Because I wouldn't, without provocation.
Re: Clearing our name. -
Duck - 05.09.2012
You might want to take this to PMs?