05.09.2012, 17:10
Do you even listen? The /remoteban happened subsequently, those are correct logs and haven't been changed even the slightest except for the -me. And yes that did offend me and my second in charge. That was the result уf an insta kick, him returning was the ban. And that's not the part that offended the players, he told us in /o we had several bugs that were non-existent what so ever. He also told me specifically I wasn't helpful at all when actually trying to help him.
@Elorreli, Yeah you may be right, not quite certain to be honest. I expect the topic to be removed anyhow.
@Markyto, Thank you for stating that.
@Elorreli, Yeah you may be right, not quite certain to be honest. I expect the topic to be removed anyhow.
@Markyto, Thank you for stating that.