How do I get the IP for friends?

I got my server running and it's up and everything for me I am using the IP thingy but how do I get the real IP for my friends to connect (my friends are not like neighbors they are in different states, etc.) Please help.

Messages In This Thread
How do I get the IP for friends? - by lilmar - 18.08.2012, 21:57
Re: How do I get the IP for friends? - by ikkentim - 18.08.2012, 22:02
Re: How do I get the IP for friends? - by lilmar - 18.08.2012, 22:22
Re: How do I get the IP for friends? - by R4VER - 18.08.2012, 22:25
Re: How do I get the IP for friends? - by jammie9090 - 19.08.2012, 11:40
Respuesta: How do I get the IP for friends? - by daastle - 20.08.2012, 00:16
Re: How do I get the IP for friends? - by Lordzy - 20.08.2012, 01:40
Re: How do I get the IP for friends? - by MikkaVanBuuren - 21.08.2012, 03:41

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