IRC: access V.S. xop


You can also set autovoice on - by changing the "voice" level to 0.

Another thing is restricting users in what they are able to do: eg You can allow one +o to kick other ops while disallowing the others: set level 5 for normal OPs, set level 6 for this one guy, and then enable opkick at level 6. Using the same method you could also remove certain features for one person after he abuses that - instead of a full demotion.

If you know a lot about IRC, I suggest using access levels. If you're fairly new with it, xOP will likely already be sufficient for your stuff.

Messages In This Thread
IRC: access V.S. xop - by Kirollos - 08.08.2012, 01:26
Re: IRC: access V.S. xop - by CJ101 - 08.08.2012, 01:33
Re: IRC: access V.S. xop - by [MM]IKKE - 08.08.2012, 06:20
Re: IRC: access V.S. xop - by linuxthefish - 10.08.2012, 20:40
Re: IRC: access V.S. xop - by Djole1337 - 10.08.2012, 20:55

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