[Tutorial] Attach 3D Text Label to Player

Originally Posted by Detonador
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O que й:
3D Text Label й um texto qualquer, que pode ser posto em qualquer lugar do corpo de um jogador, em um veнculo ou em qualquer lugar do jogo, mas irei dar uma explicaзгo sobre atacar ao player.
"Por outras palavras poderia dizer que 3D Text Label й um texto em 3 Dimensхes, ou seja, usa as coordenadas, x, y e z."

Tirando isso, gostei, уtimo tutorial, parabйns!

Messages In This Thread
Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by Detonador - 25.07.2012, 03:05
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by .FuneraL. - 25.07.2012, 03:29
Re : Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by ipsBruno - 25.07.2012, 03:47
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by Detonador - 25.07.2012, 12:27
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by Math3us - 25.07.2012, 12:41
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by Detonador - 25.07.2012, 12:58
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by Math3us - 25.07.2012, 13:04
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by PhilBittencourt - 25.07.2012, 14:51
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by Detonador - 25.07.2012, 14:56
Re: Attach 3D Text Label to Player - by RebeloX - 25.07.2012, 20:20

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