Testserver port forward problem(not regular)

After forwarding the ports to my local machine on my router.

My problem:

I startup utorrent on any random port for example 6789
Canyouseeme.org says: Connection Accepted on 6789

(close down utorrent)
I startup samp_server.exe and put in the config file port 6789.
Canyouseeme.org says: Connection Refused on 6789.

There is no antivirus software on here.
Things I tried that did not work.
-put files on other machine and forward ports to that machine
-put tcp/udp both open.
-Windows Firewall off.
-Routers firewall off
-download samp server files again

I will try
-test other gamemode

If you have any other ideas on what the problem might be please reply!
This problem started since I received a new router from my ISP. Then still theres no reason why utorrent DOES work and samp-server.exe DOES NOT work right?

Messages In This Thread
Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - by Tricks - 04.05.2012, 12:36
Re: Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - by HighPitchedVoice - 04.05.2012, 13:39
Re: Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - by pyrodave - 04.05.2012, 13:40
Re: Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - by Tricks - 14.05.2012, 12:37

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