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Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - Printable Version

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Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - Tricks - 04.05.2012

After forwarding the ports to my local machine on my router.

My problem:

I startup utorrent on any random port for example 6789 says: Connection Accepted on 6789

(close down utorrent)
I startup samp_server.exe and put in the config file port 6789. says: Connection Refused on 6789.

There is no antivirus software on here.
Things I tried that did not work.
-put files on other machine and forward ports to that machine
-put tcp/udp both open.
-Windows Firewall off.
-Routers firewall off
-download samp server files again

I will try
-test other gamemode

If you have any other ideas on what the problem might be please reply!
This problem started since I received a new router from my ISP. Then still theres no reason why utorrent DOES work and samp-server.exe DOES NOT work right?

Re: Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - HighPitchedVoice - 04.05.2012

Use port 7777 7777

Re: Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - pyrodave - 04.05.2012

Here is your problem; that crappy tool doesn't test UDP ports, its only testing TCP! SA-MP uses UDP for communication, so even if you have correctly forwarded UDP port 7777 or any other port for that matter to the local server running the sa-mp server process, that website still isn't going to find it!

Your best bet is simply to ask someone if they can see your server online when you give them your IP and port.

After a quick bit of searching I also found this which you can use to test your connection:

Re: Testserver port forward problem(not regular) - Tricks - 14.05.2012

pyrodave, thank you very much