[How To] Help somebody correctly.

      • How to help somebody correctly!
        Table of Content
        • Content
          • [iurl=#wtq]Whats the question?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#hdiut]How do I underline Text?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#hdibt]How do I bold Text?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#cundit]What if I can't understand the questioners horrible english?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#unpolite]What do I do if the questioner isn't being polite with me?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#remember]What should I remember while helping someone?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#oldquestion]What if the questioner has posted a already asked question?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#alreadyanswered]What if someone else has already answered?[/iurl]
          • [iurl=#arguement]What if an arguement takes place while I am trying to help someone?[/iurl]

        Whats the question?

        First of all, you should be able to understand the question correctly. If you do so, you may think about the solution first, before you post it! If you have found a correct solution, you may test it before spreading it out in public! Than, by posting the solution, you may always use the correct formats to help those people! Such as codes! Do not post things like the example below:

        stock Function()
        return 0;

        always use the necessary format to make the code look clear and understandable, use pawn and also /pawn to close the code (( remember the brackets! ))! Here the example:

        pawn Код:
        stock Function()
          return 0;
        which looks like:
        pawn Код:
        stock Function()
          return 0;

        Additional: You can also use code instead of pawn , if its not a pawn code.

        How do I underline Text?
        The following example will introduce you in the usage of underlined text! Take a look below:

        I want to underline THIS

        Which looks like:

        I want to underline [nobbc][u]THIS[/nobbc]
        How do I bold Text?
        The following example will introduce you in the usage of bolded text! Take a look below:

        You want to bold a important Message? Here a example on how to do it!

        I want this Message to be bold!

        Which looks like:
        [nobbc] I want this Message to be bold! [/nobbc]

        What if I can't understand the questioners horrible english?

        If you are not able to understand the questioners english as its not writen in proper english, you may:

        1.) Ask the questioner to repeat it in a proper english over a translator or anything as help!
        2.) Ask the questioner to PM you with his language and you may help him (( Only if you are able to speak that language! ))
        3.) Leave it and wait for another person to help him!
        4.) Ask your friend to help you translating it

        If there solutions above did not resolve the problem, you may leave the topic and wait until it has been writen in proper english, or someone else has helped him.

        What do I do if the questioner isn't being polite with me?
        If the questioner is offending you in any way, you may:

        1.) Ask them to calm down and stay on a polite conversation!
        2.) Leave them with their help request
        3.) Look for a reason that they are being unpolite and try to understand them.
        4.) Report it to a moderator (( only if its a big offense such as insulting you over PM's constantly etc ))

        What should I remember while helping someone?
        As we all know, there are a few rules we all have to make sure to follow, here are some of them:

        1.) Be polite and friendly!
        2.) Dont laugh at people or call them a noobІ just because they dont understand something. We all started once!
        3.) Use proper english in your answers, or at least try to make the answer as clear as possible
        4.) Look if the questioner has asked politely or not.

        If you do not follow the stated points above, it doesnt mean you aren't helping them correctly!

        Translation: noobІ = A newbie, somebody who has just began something.

        What if the questioner has posted a already asked question?
        Well, as we all know, this problem occures alot! If you see someone requesting help, but there is already a solution found for it, you may:

        1.) Tell the questioner to use the search button to find their solution.
        2.) Give them a link to the solution and tell them to use the search button the next time

        If the questioner is telling you not to advise them to use the search button as there is no result, you may:

        1.) Tell the questioner what to search for
        2.) Post a link to the solution
        3.) Tell the questioner, you have found a solution by searching

        If these did not help, post the solution or leave it.

        What if someone else has already answered?
        If the solution is right, and you do not have anything else to add to it, you may not reply again with the same answer! If you see the red message with "Warning! Another user has just replied" or similar, you may read the post of the user first, before you post it. In the matter, someone posted the same informations just for the sake of it, you may:

        1.) Contact the person over PM and telling them not to do so again.
        2.) Contact a moderator (( if necessary ))

        When ever you post the same, another person has said before, you are posthunting which is an offense. So a moderator may take action on this. Please try to avoid this!

        [anchor=arguement]What if an arguement takes place while I am trying to help someone?
        If you encounter an arguement with somebody or notice somebody having one, you should:

        1.) Leave the topic and PM the reply to the user. Also ask him/her politely to add the solution to the topic later on.
        2.) Ask the person to calm down and continue to help the person.
        3.) Totally ignore the guys which are argueing and just attempt to finish the help request asap.
        [b] 4.) At an avarage escalation, contact a moderator.

        The End! Thank you for reading the guide! Hope it helped!

        PS: If you find any spell/grammar errors, please notify me and i will fix them asap!

        Note: For those who think why i have done such a guide, i have seen to much people posting codes without even using the proper forum functions and it was horrible to read them. This made me write this Tutorial. Feel free to comment it, but please do not spam it. For your information, my english isnt the best so i prefer not getting comments such as "noob u cantz speakz english prozerly!"(noob you cant speak english properly). Thank you.



        - Added "What if someone else has already answered?" from ******, thank you for your help.
        - Implemented the [nobbc] function from the forums. Thanks to Jan(Dracoblue) for this.
        - Added a table of content.
        - Fixed some grammar mistakes.
        - Added point: "What if an arguement takes place while I am trying to help someone?"

Messages In This Thread
[How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Extremo - 28.11.2008, 13:56
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Mrkrabz - 28.11.2008, 14:11
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Extremo - 28.11.2008, 14:15
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Zero:VCK - 28.11.2008, 14:27
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Danut - 28.11.2008, 14:48
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by MenaceX^ - 28.11.2008, 15:44
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Extremo - 28.11.2008, 17:24
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Extremo - 28.11.2008, 17:33
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Extremo - 28.11.2008, 20:37
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Extremo - 16.10.2009, 02:45
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by mamorunl - 16.10.2009, 08:10
Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - by Extremo - 17.10.2009, 02:55

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