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[How To] Help somebody correctly. - Printable Version

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[How To] Help somebody correctly. - Extremo - 28.11.2008

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Mrkrabz - 28.11.2008

This should be stickied

Thanks for this

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Extremo - 28.11.2008

scropt1543: Np and THANKS ALOT

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Zero:VCK - 28.11.2008

Looks amazing, good work.

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Danut - 28.11.2008

this is a good "tutorial"

great job

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - MenaceX^ - 28.11.2008

Greate Job =D

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Extremo - 28.11.2008

To all comments: Thank you guys!

******: Added.

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Extremo - 28.11.2008

Fixed, changed, added, thanks, LOL.

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Extremo - 28.11.2008

Thank you, ******, but it isnt as helpful as you are. Hope to have a nice talk with ya one day, it would be a pleasure, but i guess, that wont happen :P

UPDATED! Implemented the [nobbc] function from the forums, Thanks to Dracoblue.

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Extremo - 16.10.2009



- Added a table of content.
- Fixed some grammar mistakes.
- Added point: "What if an arguement takes place while I am trying to help someone?"

PS: This is a very old topic, but at the moment I feel the necessarity to bump it again after what I've seen in some help requests. Bare with me if you don't like it or if my english at that time is going to give you eye cancer. I thought I might bump this after a few month *cough*

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - mamorunl - 16.10.2009

noob u cantz speakz english prozerly!

Direct copy paste
To be serious now; Nice guide, but why is everyone copying Y_Less' layout?

Maybe a little something for the poster of the topic: If people post something, it is mostly to help you and not to flame you. I have seen a lot of people that go and flame people just because they want to help him.

Re: [How To] Help somebody correctly. - Extremo - 17.10.2009

Well, I have to admit, I sat there for an hour trying to figure something looking good and I really end up having green/red. Also, just because Y_Less uses it, it doesn't make it be his, it was invented way before his usage.