Originally Posted by Deal-or-die
Hmm... Thats Close to what i had so I'll just fix my errors.
Cheers for your help
Just incase your thinking it's nothing like what i had, this is what i had before editing my post above :P
pawn Код:
command(seatbelt,playerid,params[]) { #pragma unused params if(WearingSeatbelt[playerid]) { WearingSeatbelt[playerid] = 0; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You have taken off seatbelt"); format(chat,sizeof(chat), "%s clips his seatbelt on.", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), chat); ProximityMessage(playerid, 20, chat, ACTION_1, ACTION_2, ACTION_3, ACTION_4, ACTION_5); } else if(!WearingSeatbelt[playerid]) { WearingSeatbelt[playerid] = 1; SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You put seatbelt on"); } return 1; }
But thank you for your help, Greatly appreciated
Cool. Im glad that i can help. You can download some pre released game modes for help with some custom functions. I take help from lot of game mods when im out of my scripting ideas and logics.