06.04.2012, 11:39
Hello guys this is my first release of the Gamemode called
Los Santos Deathmatch I'm going to share my work to everyone else I hope you like it there are many feautures in the server sorry for my bad spelling and grammer I'm an asian.I use DCMD on this gamemode to make it more easier and I'm a Noob Scripter. You can do whatevar you want but please don't take out the credits and claim it as yours. Credits: Me-For Editting adding some cmds and releasing it sgtjones-For releasing this wonderful script! Luxurion - For LuxAdmin Wolfcock - For helping me out and doing some stuffs SCRENSHOTS/VIDEOS?GO AND SEE IT FOR URSELF! Download LINK:CLICK ME! MIRRORS ARE ACCEPTED!I'm a just a Begennier/Noob Scripter.In this gamemode you will going to do is to kill everyone that you see as the tittle said its a Deathmatch script so you will going to kill everyone that you see. List of CMDS: /help /cmds /brules /rules /credits /gunshop /repair /vhelp /afk /back List of ADMIN CMDS: /deagle /minigun[When you type this cmds you will given a rocket fixing it later] /hsr /jetpack[Use LuxAdmin] /m4 /rocket /goammucar /goammu /admintps /agunlist /adutyoff /aduty /acmds. They're you go!Test Server IP: |