LS Deathmatch v1.4[DCMD,ZCMD] -
Derek_Westbrook - 05.04.2012
Hello guys this is my first release of the Gamemode called
Los Santos Deathmatch
I'm going to share my work to everyone else I hope you like it there are many feautures in the server sorry for my bad spelling and grammer I'm an asian.I use DCMD on this gamemode to make it more easier and I'm a Noob Scripter.
You can do whatevar you want but please don't take out the credits and claim it as yours.
Me-For Editting adding some cmds and releasing it
sgtjones-For releasing this wonderful script!
Luxurion - For LuxAdmin
Wolfcock - For helping me out and doing some stuffs
Download LINK:
Version 1.0
Version 1.2
Version 1.3
Version 1.4
MIRRORS ARE ACCEPTED!I'm a just a Begennier/Noob Scripter.In this gamemode you will going to do is to kill everyone that you see as the tittle said its a Deathmatch script so you will going to kill everyone that you see.I'm a Beginner Scripter now so please don't say anything bad to me.
List of CMDS:
/help /cmds /brules /rules /credits /gunshop /repair /vhelp /afk /back
/deagle /minigun[When you type this cmds you will given a rocket fixing it later] /hsr /jetpack[Use LuxAdmin] /m4 /rocket /goammucar /goammu /admintps /agunlist /adutyoff /aduty /acmds.
Okay Im going to released the v1.2!Thanks to Xtreme_Playa for sending me a fixed and ZCMD Script!Thanks <3.
Released Script
Added some CMDS and Dialogs
Added /buyarmor /buyak47 and /buymp5 and added Dialogs on /gunshop /cmds and /help
Added a BRB System
Added New Commands on /gunshop
Added New Admin Commands on /agunlist
Nothing much added.
Added some 0.3D Skins
Added Nuke System
This script is now on its Final Version and I stopped working on it,working a new script..
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
DBan - 05.04.2012
Better to use ZCMD, but stll okay
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Knight_Rider - 05.04.2012
Any more information about your server..??
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Derek_Westbrook - 05.04.2012
Originally Posted by Knight_Rider
Any more information about your server..??
Well I don't own any server now but I'm happy if I can apply on ur server.LOL
Originally Posted by DBan
Better to use ZCMD, but stll okay 
Yeah,but I like DCMD much..
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Knight_Rider - 05.04.2012
Hehhe LoLZ
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Derek_Westbrook - 05.04.2012
If you found bugs please tell me and me and my friend will fix it.Don't mind the warnings its just the parameters
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Derek_Westbrook - 05.04.2012
Hmm no comments or anything?LoL..Sorry for double post
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
[GF]Logic - 05.04.2012
Nice i am sure i will learn somethings from it too
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
sanrock - 05.04.2012
Going to try this out and see how it is.
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Derek_Westbrook - 06.04.2012
Thank you all for liking it
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Reklez - 06.04.2012
Give more details like commands or what the GM do or what is the function?
dcmd is good but dcmd is slow just like strcmp use ZCMD next time.
Simple 7/10
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Derek_Westbrook - 06.04.2012
Yeah DCMD is slow like strcmp imma edit my post
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
[EuG]ZeRoGoD - 06.04.2012
very nice bud

Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Reklez - 06.04.2012
i'm happy and glad that one of my server administrators has release his own script
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Derek_Westbrook - 06.04.2012
Originally Posted by Reklez
i'm happy and glad that one of my server administrators has release his own script 
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
[EuG]ZeRoGoD - 06.04.2012
Originally Posted by Reklez
i'm happy and glad that one of my server administrators has release his own script 
calm bud lol he still learning :P and he could boost many servers up with a lil help
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Derek_Westbrook - 06.04.2012
Originally Posted by [EuG]ZeRoGoD
calm bud lol he still learning :P and he could boost many servers up with a lil help 
Yeah man I can boost many servers with a little help..
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
[EuG]ZeRoGoD - 06.04.2012
Originally Posted by Derek_Westbrook
Yeah man I can boost many servers with a little help..
i just finnished my vip commands :P for my server here is some!
vip commands for server.../vpee /vdick1 /vdick2 /vgoto /vbring /vhelp /vcar /vnick /vremoveob
Re: Los Santos Deathmatch -
Inverse9 - 06.04.2012
can any one tell me how can people connect into my server? please tell me
Re: LS Deathmatch v1.2[DCMD] -
Mark™ - 06.04.2012
Originally Posted by Derek_Westbrook
Hello guys this is my first release of the Gamemode called
Los Santos Deathmatch
I'm going to share my work to everyone else I hope you like it there are many feautures in the server sorry for my bad spelling and grammer I'm an asian.I use DCMD on this gamemode to make it more easier and I'm a Noob Scripter.
You can do whatevar you want but please don't take out the credits and claim it as yours.
Me-For Editting adding some cmds and releasing it
sgtjones-For releasing this wonderful script!
Luxurion - For LuxAdmin
Wolfcock - For helping me out and doing some stuffs
Download LINK: CLICK ME!
MIRRORS ARE ACCEPTED!I'm a just a Begennier/Noob Scripter.In this gamemode you will going to do is to kill everyone that you see as the tittle said its a Deathmatch script so you will going to kill everyone that you see.
List of CMDS:
/help /cmds /brules /rules /credits /gunshop /repair /vhelp /afk /back
/deagle /minigun[When you type this cmds you will given a rocket fixing it later] /hsr /jetpack[Use LuxAdmin] /m4 /rocket /goammucar /goammu /admintps /agunlist /adutyoff /aduty /acmds.
They're you go!Test Server IP:
There's no dcmd include ! So don't put #include<dcmd> in your script. Minigun's id is 38. Here's the fixed version of your script with zcmd.