Heavy SAMP lag on its start up

Its most likely all the vehicle/skin/weapons mods. They lagged my samp until i reinstalled it and it worked better than ever. It only lagged when I was near modded cars though. Hope i helped. XD

Messages In This Thread
Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - by [UE]Milan - 22.03.2012, 15:21
Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - by MaximumGaming - 22.03.2012, 22:12
Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - by IceCube! - 23.03.2012, 00:47
Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - by Henry_Martinez - 23.03.2012, 08:13
Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - by TheWhiteEarth - 23.03.2012, 08:59
Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - by [UE]Milan - 24.03.2012, 03:18

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