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Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - Printable Version

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Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - [UE]Milan - 22.03.2012

it lags very much when i open samp client 0.3 d i have to wait abt half a minute. BTW i do have a good PC which runs GTA 4 nicely .so it is not pc lag. so do you guys had any problem like this ?

I also have a dought it is the action of a virus but i have AVG working..

Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - MaximumGaming - 22.03.2012

Do you have mods? Like some mods like CLEO or Over Dose can do that! Doesn't Always matter about having good pc, and If you cracked It sometimes the crack have shit thats fucked up making the game not to run perfect! But I perfer you to Reinstall!

Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - IceCube! - 23.03.2012

I've had this before about the same time I had to wait, I couldnt find a way to fix it so I solved it with a simple re-installation and it works fine again now. I still dont know what caused it only that this solves it.

Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - Henry_Martinez - 23.03.2012

Its most likely all the vehicle/skin/weapons mods. They lagged my samp until i reinstalled it and it worked better than ever. It only lagged when I was near modded cars though. Hope i helped. XD

Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - TheWhiteEarth - 23.03.2012

did you try to reinstall the game and samp and delete the files of doucument

Re: Heavy SAMP lag on its start up - [UE]Milan - 24.03.2012

it just started to happen abt a week ago..and i dont have any mods.