
Hey, I'm trying to create an object for any player that is not admin level 5+ when he spawns and to delete it if he is (when he spawns), its the first time I'm using player objects and I really didn't know how this works, I tried to do this my way;

	new hadalwall;
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 5)
     		DestroyPlayerObject(i, hadalwall);
			hadalwall = CreatePlayerObject(i,2395, 548.61, 2567.65, 348.70,   0.00, 270.00, 180.00);
		else if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] >= 5)
			DestroyPlayerObject(i, hadalwall);
And I tried another way after searching online and it still didn't work;

	new hadalwall[MAX_PLAYERS];
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 5)
     		DestroyPlayerObject(i, hadalwall[playerid]);
			hadalwall[i] = CreatePlayerObject(i,2395, 548.61, 2567.65, 348.70,   0.00, 270.00, 180.00);
		else if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] >= 5)
			DestroyPlayerObject(i, hadalwall[playerid]);
It created the object if the player is not a level 5+ admin, but it does not destroy it when he spawns again as a level 5 administrator. HELP please.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP]DestroyPlayerObject - by xRandomGuy - 03.02.2012, 15:20
AW: [HELP]DestroyPlayerObject - by Drebin - 03.02.2012, 15:47
Re: [HELP]DestroyPlayerObject - by xRandomGuy - 03.02.2012, 16:10
AW: [HELP]DestroyPlayerObject - by Drebin - 03.02.2012, 16:14
Re: [HELP]DestroyPlayerObject - by xRandomGuy - 03.02.2012, 16:33
AW: [HELP]DestroyPlayerObject - by Drebin - 03.02.2012, 16:45
Re: [HELP]DestroyPlayerObject - by xRandomGuy - 03.02.2012, 17:55

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