0.3d-R2 crash on load @ win7, 64bit.

Originally Posted by dugi
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Hmm, nope. Could it be possibly something with directx(even tho SA works like a charm)? Is there any previous version of 0.3d which is most stable on win7 64bit? I have same OS on my laptop, but a little older gfx card, it works without any problems on laptop.

Messages In This Thread
0.3d-R2 crash on load @ win7, 64bit. - by ca2k - 09.01.2012, 15:33
Re: 0.3d-R2 crash on load @ win7, 64bit. - by dugi - 09.01.2012, 15:35
Re: 0.3d-R2 crash on load @ win7, 64bit. - by ca2k - 09.01.2012, 16:14
Re: 0.3d-R2 crash on load @ win7, 64bit. - by ca2k - 09.01.2012, 16:46

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