How to make an include?

Are you calling "achievements_OnDialogResponse" in the OnDialogResponse callback in your filterscript?

Messages In This Thread
How to make an include? - by Zcelo12 - 30.12.2011, 15:47
Re: How to make an include? - by Ash. - 30.12.2011, 15:51
AW: How to make an include? - by Zcelo12 - 30.12.2011, 16:03
Re: AW: How to make an include? - by Ash. - 30.12.2011, 16:13
AW: How to make an include? - by Zcelo12 - 30.12.2011, 17:32
Re: How to make an include? - by Ash. - 30.12.2011, 17:34
Re: How to make an include? - by Guest9328472398472 - 30.12.2011, 17:34
Re: How to make an include? - by Ash. - 30.12.2011, 17:40

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