28.12.2011, 22:51
It's actually pretty simple to make
for the teams...
A couple methods for force punch that might work...
You'll need these for this to work
That's method one, here's method two...
This one uses the same stocks as before & the same bool...
This one is also untested same as the first one...so I'm not sure how it would work or if it would work at all
for the teams...
A couple methods for force punch that might work...
pawn Код:
new bool:isJedi[MAX_PLAYERS] = false; //Creates a boolean so we can know if they're jedi - can replace with GetPlayerTeam or w/e you want
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid)
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
if(team[issuerid] != team[playerid]) //Making sure they aren't on the same team --replace with your team variable
if(isJedi[issuerid] == true) //Checks if they're a jedi with the boolean we created
if(GetPlayerWeapon(issuerid) == 0)
new Float:X,
Float:Z, //Creates X,Y,Z variables so we can store the co-ordinates in them
string[128]; //Create our string so we can format it
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, Health(playerid)-30); //Set their health -30
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z); //Get their X,Y,Z position then we store them in our variables
SetPlayerPos(playerid, X-3,Y-3,Z); //Set their X and Y position -3 hopefully setting them back --Untested
format(string,sizeof(string), "%s force punched you!", Name(issuerid)); //Formats our string with the name of the one who hit the person
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xCC0000AA, string); //Send it to the player who was hit
pawn Код:
stock Name(playerid)
new nname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //Create our name variable that's the size of 24 (MAX_PLAYER_NAME)
GetPlayerName(playerid, nname, sizeof(nname)); //Store the name in our nname variable
return nname; //return that name when we call our stock
stock Health(playerid)
new Float:HP; //Creates our float so we can store HP in it
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP); //Stores HP in it
return floatround(HP); //returns the rounded health variable
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if(isJedi[playerid] == true) //Checks if they're a jedi
if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 0 && newkeys == KEY_FIRE) //Checks if they are using fists and attacked
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; //Creates new variables to store stuff
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x,y,z); //Stores the players X,Y,Z position into the variables we created
new str[50]; //Creates our string so we can format it
for(new i; i<=MAX_PLAYERS; i++) //Creates a loop
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) //Loops through the MAX_PLAYERS number and checks if players are connected
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, x,y,z) && isJedi[i] == false) //Checks if those players are in range of the player who punched and makes sure they aren't on the same team
GetPlayerPos(i, x,y,z); //Gets the pos of the ones in range
SetPlayerPos(i, x-3,y-3,z); //Sets their X and Y pos -3 (hopefully setting them backwards...might not work - probably not lol)
SetPlayerHealth(i, Health(i)-30); //Gets the health of the ones in range and sets it -30 their current HP
format(str,sizeof(str), "%s has force punched you!", Name(playerid)); //formats our string so we can send it to the ones hit
SendClientMessage(i, 0xCC0000AA, str); //sends it to the players hit by the force punch
return 1;
This one is also untested same as the first one...so I'm not sure how it would work or if it would work at all