I have no idea how to script... -
ZetaReticuli - 28.12.2011
I tried to learn but cant, and I really want to make a Star Wars server can some one please script for me please?
The scripter will get many benefits if they want to join my server.
Here is a summary of the server.
Bounty hunter-Jetpack,Flamethrower,M4,Armor SITH
Jedi-Katana,Force Jump,Armor REPUBLIC
Sith- Katana,Force Punch, Armor SITH
Trooper (Republic)- M4,Armor,Grenade,Pistol REPUBLIC
Trooper (Imperial)- M4,Armor,Grenade,Pistol SITH
Politician-No weapons NO AFFLICTION
Citizen- No weapons NO AFFLICTION
The Area 51 area will be Tatooine
There will be a seastead on the ocean a Kamino
The forest will be Endor
LA will be Corasaunt
LS will be Naboo
SF will be Alderann
Planes will be used as ships
Motorcycles will be speeders.
People can put hits on others and a Hutt will ask a bounty hunter to execute the hit to earn credits.
Jedi are responsible for protecting the galaxy by capturing or if they must kill Sith.
Sith try to take control over the Galaxy by overthrowing the chancellor or more.
Troopers are reponsible for destroying their enemy.
Citizens are the foundation of society they can get normal jobs like bar tenders an Tantoonie or Taxi pilots on Corasaunt.
Politicians may run for Chancellor who has a high word on the Senate they have alot of control over the galaxy and the rules made.
This takes place in The Old Republic Era which is 3,000 years before Episode 1. The Jedi and The Sith are at war and the republic army helps defeat The Sith and The Imperial Army.
Re: I have no idea how to script... -
Aira - 28.12.2011
If your Features are only Classes that spawn with Weapons and some Bases with Mappings it will be Easy to script.
Re: I have no idea how to script... -
ZetaReticuli - 28.12.2011
I know but I cant for my life
Re: I have no idea how to script... -
SnG.Scot_MisCuDI - 28.12.2011
Higher a scripter or use *******. But (im not a starwars fan) that idea isnt bad at all.
Re: I have no idea how to script... - MatthewD - 28.12.2011
I can help you with this, PM me.
Re: I have no idea how to script... -
-CaRRoT - 28.12.2011
The Idea is from "StarWars Galaxies" online Game - I Used to play ir
Re: I have no idea how to script... -
Mosslah - 28.12.2011
I was in the same position as you about two years back, I wanted to create a movie server however I couldn't script for the life of me. All it takes is dedication and you'll be able to script in no time, start out with something a lot easier than this, though - this is way difficult for someone of your scripting knowledge (assuming your knowledge of scripting matches that of your ability).
Re: I have no idea how to script... -
Sting. - 28.12.2011
I suggest start with DM server cause its easy, and because you're creating kinda of a war server, so it might not be that hard to script. Might be just scripting a DM War server.
Re: I have no idea how to script... -
[ABK]Antonio - 28.12.2011
It's actually pretty simple to make
for the teams...
A couple methods for force punch that might work...
pawn Код:
new bool:isJedi[MAX_PLAYERS] = false; //Creates a boolean so we can know if they're jedi - can replace with GetPlayerTeam or w/e you want
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerTakeDamage(playerid, issuerid, Float: amount, weaponid)
if(issuerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
if(team[issuerid] != team[playerid]) //Making sure they aren't on the same team --replace with your team variable
if(isJedi[issuerid] == true) //Checks if they're a jedi with the boolean we created
if(GetPlayerWeapon(issuerid) == 0)
new Float:X,
Float:Z, //Creates X,Y,Z variables so we can store the co-ordinates in them
string[128]; //Create our string so we can format it
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, Health(playerid)-30); //Set their health -30
GetPlayerPos(playerid, X,Y,Z); //Get their X,Y,Z position then we store them in our variables
SetPlayerPos(playerid, X-3,Y-3,Z); //Set their X and Y position -3 hopefully setting them back --Untested
format(string,sizeof(string), "%s force punched you!", Name(issuerid)); //Formats our string with the name of the one who hit the person
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xCC0000AA, string); //Send it to the player who was hit
You'll need these for this to work
pawn Код:
stock Name(playerid)
new nname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; //Create our name variable that's the size of 24 (MAX_PLAYER_NAME)
GetPlayerName(playerid, nname, sizeof(nname)); //Store the name in our nname variable
return nname; //return that name when we call our stock
stock Health(playerid)
new Float:HP; //Creates our float so we can store HP in it
GetPlayerHealth(playerid, HP); //Stores HP in it
return floatround(HP); //returns the rounded health variable
That's method one, here's method two...
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if(isJedi[playerid] == true) //Checks if they're a jedi
if(GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) == 0 && newkeys == KEY_FIRE) //Checks if they are using fists and attacked
new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; //Creates new variables to store stuff
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x,y,z); //Stores the players X,Y,Z position into the variables we created
new str[50]; //Creates our string so we can format it
for(new i; i<=MAX_PLAYERS; i++) //Creates a loop
if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) //Loops through the MAX_PLAYERS number and checks if players are connected
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5, x,y,z) && isJedi[i] == false) //Checks if those players are in range of the player who punched and makes sure they aren't on the same team
GetPlayerPos(i, x,y,z); //Gets the pos of the ones in range
SetPlayerPos(i, x-3,y-3,z); //Sets their X and Y pos -3 (hopefully setting them backwards...might not work - probably not lol)
SetPlayerHealth(i, Health(i)-30); //Gets the health of the ones in range and sets it -30 their current HP
format(str,sizeof(str), "%s has force punched you!", Name(playerid)); //formats our string so we can send it to the ones hit
SendClientMessage(i, 0xCC0000AA, str); //sends it to the players hit by the force punch
return 1;
This one uses the same stocks as before & the same bool...
This one is also untested same as the first one...so I'm not sure how it would work or if it would work at all
Re: I have no idea how to script... - Guest9328472398472 - 30.12.2011
Best place to learn scripting!