0.3d Possible AOTV, Object or client bug?

Yeah funny thing that, i actually removed all of them :/, i used to have them laying all about the place an just like you say in VW 0 & INT 0, it was like a drive in an install on the spot kinda routine...

The new modshop was added in 0.3c, but i guess it wasn't used that much as players had other ways to install this kind of stuff, i don't specify any interior or VW at all when the objects are being created for attaching, its just plain old, CreateObject(18647,0.0,0.0,-1000.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);

Anywayz Thanks heaps for all your help funky, much appreciated!

Aha i found it, it looks like it was my bad after all as players somehow are not being set back to their correct Virtual worlds when exiting the modshop...

What i did was, installed neons, spoiler and a sa-mp logo , then set the cars vw to 99

i got this...

i feel real dumb now :/

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