Realistic Prices for these items?

Phone 500$ (based on the smart phones avg price)
Phone-book (Free, they throw this junk on your porch every week. I'd suggest saying it's a phone service for like 200$)
Dice 1$
Vehicle Lock Vehicles usually come with a lock?
Speedometer ^
Condoms Well let's see last box I bought was 25$ for 10.
CD Player Maybe make this a "MP3 player or ipod" for 200$
Spraycan 10$ for a decent can of spray paint.
Rope 10$ depending on the length
Cigars It matters depending on if they're good or not I'd suggest going with like 50$
Fizzy Drink (Coke, Pepsi and etc) 2$
Walkie Talkie 20 $
Screw Driver 10$

Messages In This Thread
Realistic Prices for these items? - by seanny - 24.11.2011, 18:18
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by iNorton - 24.11.2011, 18:33
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by Norn - 24.11.2011, 18:46
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by Nenad - 24.11.2011, 20:18
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 24.11.2011, 20:22
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by Oh - 24.11.2011, 20:50
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by iNorton - 24.11.2011, 20:53
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by Code_Red - 24.11.2011, 20:55
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by Dripac - 24.11.2011, 21:00
Re: Realistic Prices for these items? - by iNorton - 24.11.2011, 21:08

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