[Include] EhabColors - New colors, Unique colors and useful colors.

This is my first include and I am so happy releasing it and having an include, don't be so harsh! Thank you

What is EhabColors?
It's a new include that makes it easier for you guys to define colors and use them.

Why should I use this one?
I have created my own colors and my own defines for them. There are Unique colors added.

Information about color codes:
/*E = Ehab1911 L = LIGHT D = Dark DD = Darker DDD = Darker(more) U = Unique UCOLOR = Unique Color such as URED, UBLUE etc.*/

How can I install the Include?
Copy EhabColors.inc to your server/pawno/include and in-case of using it in Gamemode put #include <EhabColors> at the top of your script and start using the colors. Read the include for more information about color names!


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