How to make AKA show up on Connect Message?

Ole this is for satdm
if(strlen(dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3)) == 0) dini_Set("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3, PlayerName);
if( strfind( dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3), PlayerName, true) == -1 )
new akastring[256];
format(akastring,sizeof(akastring),"%s,%s", dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt",tmp3), PlayerName);
dini_Set("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt", tmp3, akastring);
format(string,128, "[Player]: %s has joined the server.(Aka: %s)",PlayerName, dini_Get("LuxAdmin/Config/aka.txt",tmp3));
for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && playerid != i) SendClientMessage(i,grey,string);

change it under ctrl+f if(ServerInfo[Locked] == 1) { that is under this u ll find, just paste and if ur satdm is ladmin make LuxAdmin TO ladmin its works.

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