[FilterScript] Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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It does, what do you think OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate is?

And i highly doubt you won't be able to shoot through walls since you're only
checking position and facing angle to damage the vehicles.
Now your wrong the vehicle need to be moved by the players client for the OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate public to be called witch only can be done when shotting at it or walking agents it or by ramming it by other cars. So shoting at an wall with an car behind it will not work because the car doesn't get moved....

Edit: The only problem I can see is that you doesn't look if the one making the damage is an passenger or not because if the player drivebys in an empty car when the car is moving down a hill it might take damage...

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