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[FilterScript] Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - Printable Version

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Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - Rapgangsta - 26.07.2011


Relased the first filterscript that permit you to create damage while shouting a car witouth a driver!
-Download the file .pwn and compile it, then put the amx in filterscripts folder


- You must have the new version of SA-MP
- You can use only this weapons
All pistols
All handweapon (Shovel, Bat, Nitestick ect..)*new
All shotgun
AK-47 andM4
-You can edit the damage of each weapon from the .pwn

Actual is
#define damagecane 15 // Of all HandWeapon
#define damage9mm 120
#define damages9mm 80
#define damagedeagle 250
#define damageshotgun 370
#define damagesawnoff 300
#define damagecombat 200
#define damageuzi 100
#define damagemp5 110
#define damageak47 125
#define damagem4 120
#define damagetec9 100
#define damagerifle 150
#define damagesniper 200
#define damageminigun 400



R3 Server


Rapgangsta for the script
robanswe for helping in testing and weapon

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - _DownLoaD_ - 26.07.2011

Nice Script, but 4 shots to burn car?
i dont think it's so real..

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - Rapgangsta - 26.07.2011

You can edit the damage of each weapon from the .pwn

#define damage9mm 120
#define damages9mm 80
#define damagedeagle 250
#define damageshotgun 370
#define damagesawnoff 300
#define damagecombat 200
#define damageuzi 100
#define damagemp5 110
#define damageak47 125
#define damagem4 120
#define damagetec9 100
#define damagerifle 150
#define damagesniper 200
#define damagerocket 1000
#define damagehsrocket 1000
#define damageminigun 400

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - antonio112 - 26.07.2011

Woah, nice one. I'll test it right now ... How about the old, very known bugs, like shooting through walls and stuff?

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - Rapgangsta - 26.07.2011

Originally Posted by antonio112
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Woah, nice one. I'll test it right now ... How about the old, very known bugs, like shooting through walls and stuff?
There is no bugs, because its dont utilize any loop!

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - Mike Garber - 26.07.2011

Originally Posted by Rapgangsta
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There is no bugs, because its dont utilize any loop!
It does, what do you think OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate is?

And i highly doubt you won't be able to shoot through walls since you're only
checking position and facing angle to damage the vehicles.

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - robanswe - 26.07.2011

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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It does, what do you think OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate is?

And i highly doubt you won't be able to shoot through walls since you're only
checking position and facing angle to damage the vehicles.
Now your wrong the vehicle need to be moved by the players client for the OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate public to be called witch only can be done when shotting at it or walking agents it or by ramming it by other cars. So shoting at an wall with an car behind it will not work because the car doesn't get moved....

Edit: The only problem I can see is that you doesn't look if the one making the damage is an passenger or not because if the player drivebys in an empty car when the car is moving down a hill it might take damage...

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - wups - 26.07.2011

Originally Posted by Mike Garber
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It does, what do you think OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate is?

And i highly doubt you won't be able to shoot through walls since you're only
checking position and facing angle to damage the vehicles.
OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate won't be called if you shoot through a wall.

EDIT: Oops, someone was faster than me

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - Rapgangsta - 26.07.2011

Originally Posted by ******
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I don't think there's a smiley to express the sheer disbelief I have for this statement:


That's a raised eyebrow and a slanted mouth...

Anyway, loops don't make bugs and no loops don't mean no bugs. They're two entirely unrelated concepts. Anyway, yes you CAN shoot through walls because this only checks if you are near a vehicle, not if you can see it. It is a good start though and the first 0.3cR3 code I've seen released.

Another possible bug, if you are in passenger driveby mode you are in a vehicle but aren't shooting in the direction the car is facing (in fact you're not even in driver driveby mode).
I found only a bug, with the driveby

Re: Perfect UnoccupiedVehicle Destruction - Ares Vehicle Destruction - robanswe - 26.07.2011

Originally Posted by Rapgangsta
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I found only a bug, with the driveby
Just add if(GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) and you will have fixed that^^

Edit: When testing this script we found out that many Vehicles doesn't move when shotting at them like Helis and planes.. Also guns like snipers aren't to powerful to move things so they tend to not work as good as like an shotgun.. = sometimes the hit will not get detected but else it works like an dream.

Edit 2: After some more testing we found out that you can shot at boats trough walls due to the fact the boats are moving all the time in the waves. Note you can only do this bug when you are the closest player to the boat.