30.06.2011, 15:38
Last edited by vpontin; 30/06/2011 at 03:43 PM.
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You need to rename tracks4.dat file from this topic to tracks3.dat and replace (with a backup of cource) original file.
But 'tracks3.dat' is originally used for tram track in SF, so you will be able to spawn trains on both train tracks but trams in SF won't work (in singleplayer mode too). That's why I was asking to unblock 'tracks4.dat' Also note that it will cause some unsync when playing on servers with trams in SF, etc. So make a backup! |
I not change the tram's .dat files.
I support you.
I still cannot understand what problem will be caused if we use those tracks(even it's incomplete). No crash will be produced, as it was there in 0.2. The only issue is that the trains fly over the land, but it's not a very important issue that trains do no have flying cheats. |
There appeared to be major bugs with these tracks, except for are incomplete...