Originally Posted by Robert_Crawford
Well idk if this works but it returned no errors
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) { new Model = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid); if(Model == 427 && !ispassenger) { GetPlayerArmour(playerid, StoreArmour[playerid]); } if(PlayerTied[playerid] != 0) { ClearAnimations(playerid); } if(PlayerCuffed[playerid] != 0) { ClearAnimations(playerid); } if(IsACopCar(playerid) || IsAFBICar(playerid) || IsANGCar(playerid)) { new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, vehid; vehid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); GetVehicleVelocity(vehid,x, y, z); if (x >= 0.0) x += 30.0; else x -= 30.0; if (y >= 0.0) y += 30.0; else y -= 30.0; if (z >= 0.0) z += 30.0; else z -= 30.0; SetVehicleVelocity(vehid, x, y, z); } return 1; }
Will you stop asking the same thing over and over? They already told you to go in-game and try it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get it? Try IT OUT!! IN GAME!!