[LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time

Use CreateVehicle or AddStaticVehicleEx and set the delay to -1, which, like you said, will not respawn unless you tell it to or the car is destroyed.

Messages In This Thread
[LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - by clavador - 08.06.2011, 05:12
Re: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - by randomkid88 - 08.06.2011, 05:16
Respuesta: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - by clavador - 08.06.2011, 05:35
Re: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - by Iphone1234g - 08.06.2011, 09:20
Re: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - by PGTips - 08.06.2011, 09:25

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