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[LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - Printable Version

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[LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - clavador - 08.06.2011

I used the search button, I always search a lot before asking, but i didnt find the right answer.

If I set the respawn time to -1, does it mean it will never respawn unless the car blows up?

Im testing it right now and it appears to be like that, but maybe someone did a more throughout research.

I want all cars not to respawn, unless i strictly tell them so. I want to leave them on the street forever if i want.

Im using CreateVehicle, so the delay is when no driver is inside.

Re: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - randomkid88 - 08.06.2011

Use CreateVehicle or AddStaticVehicleEx and set the delay to -1, which, like you said, will not respawn unless you tell it to or the car is destroyed.

Respuesta: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - clavador - 08.06.2011

Great. Thanx!

Re: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - Iphone1234g - 08.06.2011


Re: [LAME QUESTION] Car Respawn Time - PGTips - 08.06.2011

Thanks for bumping a old post the problem was solved there was no need to say Good work