help checking area

under OnPlayerDeath
pawn Код:
if(pInfo[playerid][Team] == 2)
        new Float:XZ;
        new Float:YZ;
        new Float:ZZ;
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, XZ, YZ, ZZ);
            DeathArea = GangZoneCreate(XZ-20, YZ-20, XZ+20, YZ+20);
        GangZoneShowForAll(DeathArea, VIRUS_ZONE_COLOR);
then I need something like this on the timer
pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInArea(i, XZ-20, XZ+20, YZ-20, YZ+20))//wont work, how should I do it ?
how will I put the coords ? That one won't work

Messages In This Thread
help checking area - by marinov - 06.04.2011, 21:01
Re: help checking area - by marinov - 07.04.2011, 00:40
Re: help checking area - by Venice - 07.04.2011, 02:56
Re: help checking area - by marinov - 07.04.2011, 03:17
Re: help checking area - by marinov - 07.04.2011, 12:01
Re: help checking area - by marinov - 07.04.2011, 21:10

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