Bug List (CLIENT) (Updated frequently)

Cars not chrome! and allways i can see matted cars and car partsafter tuning in mod shop... IN 0.3c RC3!
RC 2 do not have this bug!

Originally Posted by Nexotronix
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Cars not chrome! and allways i can see matted cars and car partsafter tuning in mod shop... IN 0.3c RC3!
RC 2 do not have this bug!
Report it here http://forum.sa-mp.com/forumdisplay.php?f=75

Create a new thread with more details!

Pickups created far from the mainland (I think 5000 on one axis is the limit) doesn't show up

When turning engine off, the nitro is still accessable, ( with the 3.0c ) i mean it still do the nitro exaust, but no sound of nitro.

Originally Posted by DiDok
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Pickups created far from the mainland (I think 5000 on one axis is the limit) doesn't show up
This one must be a GTA bug since they don't spawn in MTA either.

Tiny update, the Sniper view in the Hunter and Hydra also does the same if you have a Camera.

Originally Posted by Rac3r
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Tiny update, the Sniper view in the Hunter and Hydra also does the same if you have a Camera.
Thanks, added.

Also, could you explain us how you fixed it by scripting?

Originally Posted by Karlip
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Thanks, added.

Also, could you explain us how you fixed it by scripting?
Here's how I would do it:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
            vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),
            model = GetVehicleModel(vid)
        if(model == 520 || model == 425)
            SetPlayerArmedWeapon(playerid, 0);
    return 1;

Try testing it live, i can't at the moment myself.

Originally Posted by Karlip
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Try testing it live, i can't at the moment myself.
Sure thing, give me a couple of minutes

Originally Posted by DiDok
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Pickups created far from the mainland (I think 5000 on one axis is the limit) doesn't show up
Originally Posted by mick88
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This one must be a GTA bug since they don't spawn in MTA either.
Ive noticed this too & I agree with Mick - Mainland SA definetly doesnt go past 5000, so i dont think the SA game engine will handle anything so far from mainland SA.

Originally Posted by funky1234
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Sure thing, give me a couple of minutes
Worked for me
(Sorry for the double post, i meant to edit and forgot)

Thanks, added to first post under the bug.

Well Karlip, I pretty much did the same as funky1234, except I used the OnPlayerEntervehicle callback and wrapped PutPlayerInVehicle with a model check.

For reasons unknown, Kalcor hasn't fixed a lot of tiny bugs that are in this post (let's be fair, these bugs are not critical).
I remember Kalcor once saying "most bugs can be fixed with scripting". I'm guessing it's easier for us to fix them, than him to edit the SA-MP source. This might be because if he fixes something here, it might cause further problems else where. We can relate to that when scripting, well I can.

I've been working on bug fixes, this one was definitely the easiest to fix.

I found a bug on 0.3c.
Sometimes if i jump out as a passanger from a car when the car is driving then i get stuck to the car and i keep losing health no possible way to get out from it , you'll die. Fix this its super annoyng

well if there is passenger and i am driver i see lights flashing

0.3c bug (from R4-2 and beyond). When a BIKE passenger presses H and enters 'aim-mode' then that player is untouchable, if fired upon... the bullets go straight trough him.

confirmed here and here

Originally Posted by Rizard
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0.3c bug (from R4-2 and beyond). When a BIKE passenger presses H and enters 'aim-mode' then that player is untouchable, if fired upon... the bullets go straight trough him.

confirmed here and here
I'll confirm it too, wait.


NOTE: It might be a SA bug, haven't got the resources to test on the SP though.

When you get out of the Skimmer On a water surface, it respawns after only 4 seconds. May effect boats too.
While flying the stuntplane, if you respawn it, a third added on tailwheel appears

Originally Posted by Mixcraft
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When you get out of the Skimmer On a water surface, it respawns after only 4 seconds. May effect boats too.
While flying the stuntplane, if you respawn it, a third added on tailwheel appears
First one, untested.

Second one, confirmed. Also happens when you use RepairVehicle on a Stuntplane.

try this : when you are in a car and you change the radio station , the animation applies to all online players

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