21.11.2010, 03:31
So far i have:
This works perfectly for when I want it to show who died and who killed, but what I need is a separate message when someone dies without being killed by a person (lets say: died in a fire, or fell off a mountain, or just plain died, etc...) i want it to say:
WITHOUT a killer name and id (for when a person falls and died or dies from a fire)
or have a reason displayed beside it like so:
(Replace REASON HERE with %s)
Where the other %s and %d would be the player names and id.
new string[128]; new NamePlayerID[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; new NameKillerID[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,NamePlayerID,sizeof(NamePlayerID)); GetPlayerName(killerid,NameKillerID,sizeof(NameKillerID)); format(string,sizeof(string),"*%s (%d) Died. Killed By: %s (%d).",NamePlayerID,playerid,NameKillerID,killerid); SendClientMessageToAll(0xAA3333AA,string);
%s (%d) Died.
or have a reason displayed beside it like so:
%s (%d) Died. Killed BY: %s (%d). (REASON HERE {Knife, MP5, Chainsaw, etc})
Where the other %s and %d would be the player names and id.