[FilterScript] [FILTERSCRIPT] Xtreme Admin System || Version: 2.2 • SA:MP 0.2.2-r2 • Click Me!





hi there

thx for help..
i change that but nog effect

but commands.ini must i change that too to 7 ? (giveme2=6 to giveme2=7)

[EDIT] i try and it's works fine.. THX!

Please fix the link.

Oh, now working? :O Strange..

Idea: When god is turned on, it should set your's car health to very high value (or maybe until it is disabled it would set it for every car you go into).


Im trying to run this on my serve with no joy.

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password blah blah blah blah
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (blanked out)~~~~~~~~~~~
gamemode0 adrenaline
filterscripts XtreamAdmin2
announce 1

but it says it fails to load!! I have xadmin in scriptfiles and all other files where they should be?? what gives can someone help?

filterscripts XtremeAdmin2

It might work if you spelt it right :P
Also if that don't work try loggin into your rcon in game and typing /rcon reloadfs XtremeAdmin2

I have a problem. I set my level to 10 but everytime I get ingame it resets back to 0 in the user files. Why is it doing that?

If I try to reload the FS the server crashes.

Edit: Nvm got it.

One major thig i would add would be somthig like this. I am currently making it and hope to release an edited version soon.


# define ADMIN_ONE 1
# define ADMIN_TWO 2
# define ADMIN_THREE 3
# define ADMIN_FOUR 4
# define ADMIN_FIVE 5
# define ADMIN_SIX 6
# define ADMIN_SIVEN 7
# define ADMIN_EIGHT 8
# define ADMIN_NINE 9
# define ADMIN_TEN 10

if(strcmp(cmd,"/xcommands",true)==0) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,red,".:: Admin lvl 5 Commands ::.");
SendClientMessage(playerid,gray,"/ban /kick /spectate /goto /gethere /xjail /announce /(un)wire");
} else SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Error: You are not a high anough admin to use this commands.");
return 1;


If you don't like it, don't use it. If you don't know how to disable the admin command chat spam then you have a lot to learn. People on my server LOVE the flip command and its dead easy to change the commands to what you want or remove them altogether. There is no point in telling us you think the script is dumb because frankly its your own opinion and when it comes to opinions one size does NOT fit all.

Originally Posted by stefanlg
This Admin Panel cinda sucks.

Evertime you do a command it says it in admin Chat I had that. Then when you do somthing it will also say in yellow what you have done.

Car Lock and Unlock: There is really no need for this at all
The Name Join System: This Should be more like a command. Like /jq on(off)
Flip: Its very dumb that here is Flip. If your car blows up then use /giveme and spawn a new car
/morning .ect This should be added into the /weather menu
/Ping is dumb all you need to do id press Tab and you can see all players ping
/setallwanted Why would you make evereone wanted? makes no sence

There should also be a command like /ipban It would be a lot easyer

Originally Posted by stefanlg
This Admin Panel cinda sucks.
LMFAO nobody gives a ***** that u dont like it
you obviously dont realise theres a config file which stops connect messages
Originally Posted by stefanlg
One major thig i would add would be somthig like this. I am currently making it and hope to release an edited version soon.


# define ADMIN_ONE 1
# define ADMIN_TWO 2
# define ADMIN_THREE 3
# define ADMIN_FOUR 4
# define ADMIN_FIVE 5
# define ADMIN_SIX 6
# define ADMIN_SIVEN 7
# define ADMIN_EIGHT 8
# define ADMIN_NINE 9
# define ADMIN_TEN 10

if(strcmp(cmd,"/xcommands",true)==0) {
SendClientMessage(playerid,red,".:: Admin lvl 5 Commands ::.");
SendClientMessage(playerid,gray,"/ban /kick /spectate /goto /gethere /xjail /announce /(un)wire");
} else SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Error: You are not a high anough admin to use this commands.");
return 1;

You arent allowed to release this, so stop now

how i disable auto login?

people can login with admin users lol

Modify the script.

How im afraid ill change something and it all will mess up lol



Originally Posted by Lidor Kalfa
You shouldnt mirror without asking.

Originally Posted by stefanlg
This Admin Panel cinda sucks.

Flip: Its very dumb that here is Flip. If your car blows up then use /giveme and spawn a new car

/morning .ect This should be added into the /weather menu

There should also be a command like /ipban It would be a lot easyer
FLIP- saves you from overloading your server
morning - is NOT a weather setting (it's a time setting FFS)
and /ban does the same thing as ipban would. you just don't have to type the whole thing out. plus there is always banip in rcon.

long and short of it... if ya dont like it then don't use it....but please don't bitch. it's pointless as this isnt your to decide what goes where.

Originally Posted by [UG
PsychoIOU ]
Originally Posted by stefanlg
This Admin Panel cinda sucks.

Car Lock and Unlock: There is really no need for this at all

Flip: Its very dumb that here is Flip. If your car blows up then use /giveme and spawn a new car

/morning .ect This should be added into the /weather menu

/Ping is dumb all you need to do id press Tab and you can see all players ping

There should also be a command like /ipban It would be a lot easyer
Thats a rediculous quote, this is a great admin script.

I'll change it next time. I've never really used Dini before.

Is there a way I use Dini to do that? What I read on the Dini tutorial makes it look like you can only edit ini files.

Well, look at it - it IS ini file. No matter what extension is.

File extension makes no differency - if you rename AVI to MKV, it won't become H264-encoded

I've been trying to do this for the past hour with no avail.

Any way I can get an example, please?

Thank you.

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