17.08.2010, 16:33
Last edited by wups; 10/11/2010 at 12:30 PM.
Escape from AREA 51
There are 4 cells hiden in all of the AREA 51. Find all cells, put them in places(around the rocket) and jump on the rocket. Sounds simple? Well, when you take the cell, other people will try to kill you to obtain it(like in ctf). You will get a bonus for the last cell. When all cells are in places, a countdown starts. By default you have 90 seconds to jump on the rocket. After the rocket launches - the round restarts.
Creator's message:
This is my first GM, so don't be to hard on me.
Well, this game mode may seem a little borring if you play it alone, but if there are about 5 players on - it will be very fun
Well, this game mode may seem a little borring if you play it alone, but if there are about 5 players on - it will be very fun

All credits go to Wups!(me)
Scripting and testing time: ~3hours.