17.03.2010, 19:52
Last edited by thiaZ_; 15/11/2010 at 05:09 PM.
Easy Vehicle Functions
Functions:- AddPrivateVehicle(Owner[], Model, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A, Color1, Color2, RespawnDelay);
- AddRandomVehicle(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A, RespawnDelay);
- AddVehicleLine(HowMany, Model, Float:X, Float:FirstY, Float:Z, Float:A, Color1, Color2, RespawnDelay);
- AddVehicleRow(HowMany, Model, Float:FirstX, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A, Color1, Color2, RespawnDelay);
- ExplodeVehicle(vehicleid, size);
- LockVehicleForAll(vehicleid, bool:lock);
- LockVehicleForPlayer(playerid, vehicleid, bool:lock);
- WarpPlayerToVehicle(playerid, vehicleid);
- WarpVehicleToPlayer(vehicleid, playerid);
- LoadEVFVehiclesFromFiles();
- GetVehicleName(vehicleid);
- SetVehiclePosEx(vehicleid, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A);
- GetVehiclePosEx(vehicleid, &Float:X, &Float:Y, &Float:Z, &Float:A);
- GetVehicleOwner(vehicleid); (Just working with private vehicles);
- GetVehicleDriverID(vehicleid);
- SavePrivateVehicle(Owner[], Model, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A, Color1, Color2, RespawnDelay);
- SaveRandomVehicle(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A, RespawnDelay);
- SaveVehicleLine(HowMany, Model, Float:X, Float:FirstY, Float:Z, Float:A, Color1, Color2, RespawnDelay);
- SaveVehicleRow(HowMany, Model, Float:FirstX, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:A, Color1, Color2, RespawnDelay);
- SaveNormalVehicle(modelid, Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:angle, color1, color2, respawn_delay);
1. Step: Download the .rar
2. Step: Put the .inc file into "/pawno/includes"
3. Step: Add "#include <pvehicles>" on top of your script.
4. Step: Add the functions to your script
5. Step: .::VERY IMPORTANT::. Add "INC_VehicleSpawn(vehicleid);" to your OnVehicleSpawn callback and "INC_VehicleStateChange(playerid, newstate);" to your OnPlayerStateChange callback.
6. Step: Create one Folder in the scriptfiles which should be called: "EVF".
7. Add my functions to your script.
8. Compile. (If there should be any errors -> ASK HERE FOR SUPPORT
9. Have fun!
[99.Pawn]AddVehicleLine function
Feel free to talk about the include here.