Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

Seeking professional mapper, the gigs are paid. Must be top notch, follow through on discord Jord#4894

removed: none was interested in greek roleplay community^^

(NEF Hosted Tab)
Mappers: Must show me 2 maps of his work

- Server Administrator in game!
- Added in /credits
- Discord Role
- Forum Rank

Server Administrators: Atleast 2 years experience in SA-MP

- Junior Administrator Rank!
- Forum & Discord Rank/Role

If you are Interested, contact Code#9776 Join on our discord
Join NEF discord :https://discord.gg/7ar8Ss

Call of Duty - World War IV is a COD based server with 20-40 players daily.

We are currently looking for:

- Mappers
- Helpers
- Administrators
- Beta Testers
- Logo Creator

Looking forward to script or design textdraws for quick cash. My prices are cheap and negotiation is possible.

If you're interested, send me your Discord handle in PMs.

We are looking for a scripter with advanced knowledge of PAWN and MYSQL medium but above all with time for a project.

It is essential to know Spanish!

The pay is $ 100 per month.

MP or discord Spartan # 2994

Looking for mappers/administrators for CS:GO and DayZ Servers.

(NEF Hosted Tab)
Mappers: Must show me 2 maps of his work

- Server Administrator in game!
- Added in /credits
- Discord Role
- Forum Rank

Server Administrators: Atleast 2 years experience in SA-MP

- Junior Administrator Rank!
- Forum & Discord Rank/Role

If you are Interested, contact Code#9776 Join on our discord
Join NEF discord :https://discord.gg/7ar8Ss

Core Roleplay may be young in comparison to many alternative San Andreas Multiplayer servers out there, but our experience possess years of community management along with development that has helped create the next official successor of the popular South Central Roleplay server. Core Roleplay plans on growing at a steady rate while primarily focusing on the needs and suggestions of our vibrant community, which is home to a subtle mix of different personalities, characters and individuals.

Seeking supporters, administrators, developers, and faction leaders.
If interested click Discord in my signature.

Although, Small County Roleplay, is a new Roleplay Server to the SA:MP [San Andreas Multiplayer] Community we plan on taking this as far as possible hoping that it will be the next SA:MP [San Andreas Multiplayer] success. We are currently hiring and have availability for several positions ranging from Mappers to Developers. If you are interested in checking it out click the Discord Invite - https://discord.gg/S3sp3Ee

(NEF Hosted Tab)
Mappers: Must show me 2 maps of his work

- Server Administrator in game!
- Added in /credits
- Discord Role
- Forum Rank

Server Administrators: Atleast 2 years experience in SA-MP

- Junior Administrator Rank!
- Forum & Discord Rank/Role

If you are Interested, contact Code#9776 Join on our discord
Join NEF discord :https://discord.gg/7ar8Ss

Call of Duty - World War IV is currently looking for an active scripter..
Will be paid and Manager rank!


Recruiting Developer.
Our SA:MP Fantasy Roleplay community is recruiting a Gamemode Developer, we are searching for someone with who has plenty of time to spend, and isn't working on any other projects as we're seeking for someone that is willing to work on a large gamemode, and knows how to build it up from the bottom to the top.

What do we expect from the developer:
- Capable of working alone
- Common sense
- Can sustain frustrating times, and stress.
- English communication
- Is willing to provide us with text updates at least every 2 days
- Is capable of working on a fairly big list of features
- Has knowledge in: ColAndreas, NPC's, Textdraws, the ins and out of a roleplay gamemode

We expect common sense, the developer reports to us every two days what he has been working on, even if he hasn't been working on anything. He keeps us up to date with issues etcetera. Constant communication with us is a must.

Yes, you'll be rewarded a sum of money for your hard work. But you must prove that you are capable of this position and why we should hire you, you are basically the construction engineer of our home, we expect professionalism.

Interested in this challenge, and you think you can help us out? Don't hesitate to contact us through Discord, we'll be asking questions, and most likely also ask you about your past projects.

Contact details: Pear#1234, :hearts:Coles#9828, Skittles#6451

Still looking.

Looking for someone to make a 4V4 duel system for me, PM me.

I need a /reports command which shows the last 10 reports in a dialog box including "Plaer" "Reported by" "Reason" - these three must be the headings.
I'll give one of my admin commands

pawn Код:
COMMAND:jail(playerid, params[])
        if(playerData[playerid][playerLevel] >= 1)
            // Set-up our variables etc
            new PlayerToJail, JailTime, Reason[128], Msg[328], Name[24], jailedBy[24], MsgAll[328];
            if (sscanf(params, "uis[128]", PlayerToJail, JailTime, Reason))
                // Incorrect params used
                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, "Usage: \"jail <PlayerToJail> <JailTime> <Reason>\"");
                if (IsPlayerConnected(PlayerToJail)) // If the player is a valid playerid (he's connected)
                        if(playerData[playerid][playerLevel] >= playerData[PlayerToJail][playerLevel])
                            if(JailTime >= 1)
                                // Get the name of the player who jailed the player
                                GetPlayerName(playerid, jailedBy, sizeof(jailedBy));
                                // Get the name of the player who's being sent to jail
                                GetPlayerName(PlayerToJail, Name, sizeof(Name));
                                for(new p; p < MAX_PLAYERS; p++)
                                    new pName[24];
                                    GetPlayerName(p, pName, sizeof(pName));
                                    if(!strcmp(pName, Name))
                                        // Send the jailed player a message who jailed him, why he's been jailed and how long
                                        format(Msg, sizeof(Msg), "{A9C4E4}An administrator has jailed you for %i seconds {FE9A2E}[REASON: %s]{FFFFFF}", JailTime, Reason);
                                        SendClientMessage(p, COLOR_WHITE, Msg);
                                        format(MsgAll, sizeof(MsgAll), "{A9C4E4}An administrator has sent %s(%i) to jail.", Name, PlayerToJail);
                                        SendClientMessage(p, COLOR_WHITE, MsgAll);
                                new aMsg[300];
                                for (new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
                                    if (playerData[i][playerLevel] >= 1)
                                        format(aMsg, sizeof(aMsg), "{FF0770}[ADMIN] {FFFFFF}%s(%i) has jailed %s(%i) for %i seconds {FE9A2E}[REASON: %s]{FFFFFF}", playerData[playerid][playerNamee], playerid, playerData[PlayerToJail][playerNamee], PlayerToJail, JailTime, Reason);
                                        SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_WHITE, aMsg);
                                // Call jail function
                                sendPlayerJail(PlayerToJail, JailTime, playerid, 0);
                                playerData[PlayerToJail][playerAdminJailed] = 1;
                                ShowPlayerDialog(PlayerToJail, 91827, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Admin Jailed", "You have been sent to jail by an administrator.", "OK", "");
                                new log[250];
                                format(log, sizeof(log), "%s(%i) has jailed %s(%i) for %i seconds", playerData[playerid][tempAdminName], playerid, Name, PlayerToJail, JailTime);
                                SendAdminText(playerid, log);
                                SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SERVER] {FFFFFF}You cannot use this command on that player.");
                            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SERVER] {FFFFFF}Jail time must be at least 1 second.");
                        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SERVER] {FFFFFF}That player is not logged in!");
                    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SERVER] {FFFFFF}That player is not online!");
            return 0;
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SERVER] {FFFFFF}You must be logged in to use commands.");
    return 1;
Btw only admin level 1+ should be able to use /reports

Please try to DM this script to me on aaaax#0296

I'm looking for very good/professional mappers to RP server, which they have knowledge and they can edit and creating objects/exterior/interior, they are doing aestethics work, which are perfectly fitted. Contact via discord: Sons#9051

Looking to build a new roleplay community. I need of a lead developer/scripter. This is no amateur position. I'm looking for someone who is really experienced in scripting. They will be adding/editing features from a developed script. This is a PAID position and will be paid accordingly. I'm looking to create a new roleplay community which will hopefully go to new heights.

PAID position. Experienced scripters only. PM me for more info.

Well hello there, UoP is back once again with a new update and now we are looking for

  • Administrators. (Bilinguals)
  • Helpers.
  • Mappers.
If you're interested to be one of them then please contact me via private message with your previous experiences with the time-line.

This community has re-opened with its old players and now expecting to grow so grab your gears and get ready to rumble!

A new upcoming roleplay server with tons of unique features looking for someone to pay for its funds.

What are we looking for?
  1. Scripter (Will be paid + Manager Rank) - Should have projects released to be sure of his work (I do not hire random people)
  2. Administrators - Experience in SAMP atleast 2 years, will be tested as well.
  3. Mappers - Will be tested before being hired!
Discord > Contact Droxx!


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