
First look at this:

How can I check is player inside that circle? Its object not cp...
Object 's coordinates: 823.91779, -1360.27185, -48.48538
Object model: 18657
I need this like Anti SpawnKill zone where player cannot use guns nor can be damaged...
Here is spawn coordinates (this object is cirle so i cannot us IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint)
823.9178, -1360.6879, -0.5078
I need this check (if you didn't understand yet) :
I want to check is player in that object, not outside but INSIDE that object. ( Not outside this red light )
Its like check for is player in checkpoint but with object..

you can use IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint or GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint

You can use streamer dynamic areas and make use of OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea and OnPlayerLeaveDynamicArea

Its circle so IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint isn't useful as i mentioned rep hunter

Originally Posted by Wajttachu
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Its circle so IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint isn't useful as i mentioned rep hunter
Banditul18 suggested dynamic areas which includes circle, cylinder, sphere, rectangle, cuboid and polygon.

Originally Posted by Wajttachu
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Its circle so IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint isn't useful as i mentioned rep hunter
pls sir rep me I will rep u back and give u $5 just pls rep me sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Deadpoop
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pls sir rep me I will rep u back and give u $5 just pls rep me sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at his bio lmao

Originally Posted by Wajttachu
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First look at this:

How can I check is player inside that circle? Its object not cp...
Object 's coordinates: 823.91779, -1360.27185, -48.48538
Object model: 18657
I need this like Anti SpawnKill zone where player cannot use guns nor can be damaged...
Here is spawn coordinates (this object is cirle so i cannot us IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint)
823.9178, -1360.6879, -0.5078
I need this check (if you didn't understand yet) :
I want to check is player in that object, not outside but INSIDE that object. ( Not outside this red light )
Its like check for is player in checkpoint but with object..
you can make your own dynamic area using this zone editor

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