30.01.2019, 18:09
First look at this: https://imgur.com/a/HMyLKYc
How can I check is player inside that circle? Its object not cp...
Object 's coordinates: 823.91779, -1360.27185, -48.48538
Object model: 18657
I need this like Anti SpawnKill zone where player cannot use guns nor can be damaged...
Here is spawn coordinates (this object is cirle so i cannot us IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint)
823.9178, -1360.6879, -0.5078
I need this check (if you didn't understand yet) :
I want to check is player in that object, not outside but INSIDE that object. ( Not outside this red light )
Its like check for is player in checkpoint but with object..
How can I check is player inside that circle? Its object not cp...
Object 's coordinates: 823.91779, -1360.27185, -48.48538
Object model: 18657
I need this like Anti SpawnKill zone where player cannot use guns nor can be damaged...
Here is spawn coordinates (this object is cirle so i cannot us IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint)
823.9178, -1360.6879, -0.5078
I need this check (if you didn't understand yet) :
I want to check is player in that object, not outside but INSIDE that object. ( Not outside this red light )
Its like check for is player in checkpoint but with object..