[Tool/Web/Other] HQ Image GTA Map 24064*24064 - 141mb

Good god! Probably one of the greatest images I\'ve ever seen. I also wonder what it could be used for... Guess that\'s why we have people like you to put stuff like this on here for those "just in case" situations.

Originally Posted by Eazy34
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How we will do it
Read the initial post.

Originally Posted by PockerFace
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Nice, Keep it up.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by xXitsgodzillaXx
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Good god! Probably one of the greatest images I\'ve ever seen. I also wonder what it could be used for... Guess that\'s why we have people like you to put stuff like this on here for those "just in case" situations.
If anything, Live Maps using ****** Maps API.

This is awesome! Great work.

so awesome, my dad works with big printers. ill ask him if he can do me a poster
at 300 dpi the poster would be 2 meters wide!!1
so badass..

Originally Posted by legodude
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so awesome, my dad works with big printers. ill ask him if he can do me a poster

at 300 dpi the poster would be 2 meters wide!!1

so badass..
If this was printed in real life it would be 6 meters by 6 meters wide.

24064 pixels in meters = 6m

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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I\'m just wondering. h02 did the work collecting the images, which you complained about being too low quality and got money back. What did you actually do for this other than convert the original high-quality images in to a noisy and lossy format? What was wrong with .png? Could you release the original .bmp files for people who actually want a good quality version? I\'m not actually sure why they needed stitching together in the first place. Most people use tiles for easier streaming not a single huge file.
I had 50% of the money back, he kept 50% for the work that he did do.

Not only did h02 create several versions of the map I did too as he gave me the Lua and PHP stitching script. We must have tried around 10 times together. A few attempts at each new tile size: 512, 256, 128, 64, 32.

There is a specific reason for not using PNG, something to do with the stitching PHP script, unsure, h02 would be able to tell you more (If he can remember, it was 6 months ago). I don\'t want to release the bmp tiles as they are 6gb in total size. Even if you did stitch them using BMP the anti-aliasing is off so it wouldn\'t make much difference.

I did explain all this in the IRC PM but I added it here just for the other people asking the same questions.

The downloadlink is broken, has someone the file and reupload it?

Now that\'s one big ass image! Awesome!

Originally Posted by Kyle
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I don\'t want to release the bmp tiles as they are 6gb in total size
Btw You should release it.

The downloadlink is broken, has someone the file and reupload it?

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