15.11.2018, 22:22
First, this is a SERIOUS project, and im looking for responsible scripters.
Im creating a horror server called ''Friday the 13th'', inspired by the horror movies and the game. This is the first horror server created on Samp! The gamemode progress is 50% done (It uses MySQL) (Samp 0.3DL), you will make systems of lock doors, destroy doors, unlock doors, stamina/velocity, fix bugs, characters system (unique abilities + perks to buy with XP), textdraws, finish the objective system, fear system, some more things and in future new contents like Freddy Vs. Jason, Jason X and more. I will help you with the part of objects spawns (Im mapper) and more if you need. (But only after a few months because i need repair my computer)
The payment will be all money VIP of players that buy with dollars. (The server is multi-language, avaible in portuguese-brazil, english and spanish).
VIP = $5 (1 Month).
I will pay permanently while you script the server. If you exit, i will keep pay until reach $100 dollars in total.
The server will use a buy system like dead by daylight - players will want play more than 500 hours - and when reach 500 hours will not unlock all characters/perks, just half.
Dont worry, you can trust that i will pay you with the money of people who buy VIP with dollars. Im from brazil, and here we use BRL. Convert Dollars to BRL cust much taxes.
Also i will need help for make payment methods
Many people will play the server. The f...-a,ce--_-_b.o.o___k page have 465 likes, and i will be partner with y_ou....tu__.b_er;.....s that will announce the server.
If you want be scripter, send me private message.