Well, I've been here for over 10 years.

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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I know so. You're the one who doesn't have a clue on this because you didn't read the thread because I didn't matter.

So before you post again, I suggest you think about that... If you aren't reading it, then you're simply spamming, or posting for an argument.
I'm spamming, yeah that's totally true. Maybe I can get my post count up to 6k like a certain someone can't I. Have you read your reply to Adrian by the way? You specifically mentioned jobs!

My Sew_Sumi, you inspire me to write.
I hate the way you drool, paddle and hop,
Invading my mind day and through the night,
Always dreaming about the kind treetop.

Let me compare you to a smart ember?
You are more handsome, heavy and teary.
Calm frost nips the robins of December,
And wintertime has the scientific theory.

How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.
I hate your eyebrows, eyelashes and style.
Thinking of your eyelashes fills my days.
My hate for you is the bouncy marseille.

Now I must away with a flouncy heart,
Remember my blind words whilst we're apart.

Originally Posted by Dignity
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arent you leaving why are you still here
Awaiting the deletion of my account.

I could easily just get banned, but I'm going for deletion.

you mean youre just here for attention


Originally Posted by Dignity
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you mean youre just here for attention
No, I'm leaving my note to say fuck you to all those who are retards... Literally everyone in this thread....

After all, all of you are being complete asshats right now for the absolute sake of it, right?? (That, in itself, is against the rules, that never get enforced, which is why you little punks think it's fine to be right royal twats.)

can't wait any longer the suspense is killing me

we're being asshats because we dislike someone how dare us

woah you insulted me thats harrassment

i got ganged up #harassment #metoo

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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No, I'm leaving my note to say fuck you to all those who are retards... Literally everyone in this thread....
literally everyone in this thread

im in it, you're in it

we're both retards

am I a retard if I'm using RakNet Client for ages?

btw, pisd.

Originally Posted by Dignity
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literally everyone in this thread

im in it, you're in it

we're both retards
Literally, doesn't mean absolutely.

Maybe you should brush up on your English before trying to draw offence. You may just draw a fence by the end of it.


I think there's a lot going on here, and since you wrote a rather large post I'll break it down with a hopefully friendly and dialectic response.

So I've noticed what you pointed out here too. The quality of responses has dropped over the years. I don't think there's any intent of malice though. What has most likely happened is the experienced users are less active due to, y'know, growing up and getting jobs etc. Some may have just become less active as they focus on their servers and others may just lose interest. No one is obligated to stick around and help, but I'm sure you know this.

I think the core of the issue here is expectations vs reality, with a mix of rose tinted glasses and a downright negative and cynical attitude to top it all off. Let's break it down:

The past is usually more appealing than the present. That's not just some quote to make you feel bad about your opinions, it has some truth to it. Yes I know a lot of the original members have left and yes I know the quality of some of the content has dropped but at the same time, you have to look at it objectively and try to avoid those natural cognitive biases like the 'rose tinted glasses' effect. Instead of reminiscing about how great the past was, make an effort to bring up spirits for the present!

Secondly, expectations. We all have them. We all have this world-view, this model, this way we describe what we experience. What the forums are to you is most likely very different to what they are to me. Some come here expecting help and some come here to just chat. Some want to help others, and sometimes those people expect that the people they help should act in a certain way. This is where problems arise because everyone has different expectations and world-views that they use to treat these issues. I'm not saying any of this is wrong, this is just people, but the best solution is to just be open minded and don't fall back to negativity when a thread starts to get a bit heated.

And that brings me to my final point. Negativity multiplies, positivity adds. What I mean by that is the unfortunate effect of how negative discourse in a thread generally makes the thread spiral into chaos as members slowly up the ante post-by-post and it doesn't end well because by the end of it, no one is talking to anyone, they are just trying to throw the coolest insult or find some way to strawman the opposition's argument. This is not healthy debate. On the flipside to that, positivity doesn't multiply in this way which might have you thinking "what's the point in being positive then" well surely a small chance of gaining something is much better than a high chance of losing something? You may leave a pleasent comment 100 times and only one of those is appreciated and results in an uplifting thread but I'd argue that's a much better bet than leaving 100 cynical or negative comments only to find that 90% of those threads diverged into flame wars.

I think you're well written, you're helpful and you've contributed quite a bit over the years. I just think your posts can often be a bit too on this negative side, contributing to a whirlpool of one-ups and pointless arguments.

That's my 2 cents on the topic anyway, interpret it as you like.

man sew you tell so many people to work on their english it almost looks like you're harassing them

Dignity’s just a sweaty (transgender?) weirdo who spent the better part of his life catfishing a female so that he could get a staff role on a roleplay server.

He eventually got caught for it and was dismissed. Got salty about the whole ordeal and tried to send failed ddos attacks on in later months. I know this because I played on the same server.

I actually tried to help him with his projects at one point ’cause I found them interesting but all he could say was that I was toxic. Ironic, rofl.

I haven’t been on this forum for months. I just give it a quick view every now and then, and when I do he’s still here with the same attitude. What a nut.

Good luck in life, Sumi.

Originally Posted by Arithmetic
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Dignity’s just a sweaty (transgender?) weirdo who spent the better part of his life catfishing a female so that he could get a staff role on a roleplay server.

He eventually got caught for it and was dismissed. Got salty about the whole ordeal and tried to send failed ddos attacks on in later months. I know this because I played on the same server.

I actually tried to help him with his projects at one point ’cause I found them interesting but all he could say was that I was toxic. Ironic, rofl.

I haven’t been on this forum for months. I just give it a quick view every now and then, and when I do he’s still here with the same attitude. What a nut.

Good luck in life, Sumi.
i too am a fan of gender benders

Originally Posted by Freshncool
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i too am a fan of gender benders
same tbh

Can someone delete his account already?

Originally Posted by SonnyGamer
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He is member for 10 years and you are member for 10 months
Congrats you can read dates!

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