19.09.2009, 05:01
Explosions GUI
Info:Explosions GUI is a filterscript that allows players in game to pick a explosion type and blow up another player or yourself via a GUI.
Thanks to Jasen, his excellent filterscipt helped me a lot with understanding the new GUI system in 0.3 without it this filterscipt would not have been made.
Grab his filterscipt here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=122176.0
Thanks to GhostTTT, his admin filterscipt helped me work with the onplayerclick function.
Grab his filterscipt here: http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=122300.0
Copy the .amx into your filterscipts folder and edit the server.cfg
When in-game:
Click on a players name in the <TAB> list - This will bring up a GUI the rest is self-explanatory

This filterscript starts at the dialog-id 8080
I added all the explosions types from https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Explosion_List if I'm missing one let me know i will add it.
You might want to add an if playeradmin check....as this is a function you wouldn't want all your players to have.