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[FilterScript] [FS]Explosions v0.1 - Printable Version

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[FS]Explosions v0.1 - sk0t - 19.09.2009

Explosions GUI
Explosions GUI is a filterscript that allows players in game to pick a explosion type and blow up another player or yourself via a GUI.

Thanks to Jasen, his excellent filterscipt helped me a lot with understanding the new GUI system in 0.3 without it this filterscipt would not have been made.
Grab his filterscipt here:
Thanks to GhostTTT, his admin filterscipt helped me work with the onplayerclick function.
Grab his filterscipt here:

Copy the .amx into your filterscipts folder and edit the server.cfg

When in-game:
Click on a players name in the <TAB> list - This will bring up a GUI the rest is self-explanatory




This filterscript starts at the dialog-id 8080

I added all the explosions types from if I'm missing one let me know i will add it.
You might want to add an if playeradmin this is a function you wouldn't want all your players to have.

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - V1ceC1ty - 19.09.2009

does it check if your an admin or is it for everyone?

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - sk0t - 19.09.2009

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
does it check if your an admin or is it for everyone?
Nop its for everyone i left that open for you guys to add as everyone is running there own admin fs now days

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - ev0lution - 19.09.2009

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
does it check if your an admin or is it for everyone?
Originally Posted by [DRuG
sk0t ]
You might want to add an if playeradmin this is a function you wouldn't want all your players to have.
I think that answers it.

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - V1ceC1ty - 19.09.2009

lol it could get funny with 500 people online exploding each other

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - sk0t - 19.09.2009

Originally Posted by V1ceC1ty
lol it could get funny with 500 people online exploding each other
Lol that would be funny on my test server it was only me and my mate testing it out

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - white_energy - 19.09.2009

Boo !

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - Mike Garber - 19.09.2009

Originally Posted by - [ WHITE ~ ENERGY
- ]
The problem is that the FPS will go down so the game will run slowly :/
Lol get a better computer :P

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - white_energy - 19.09.2009

Boo !

Re: [FS]Explosions v0.1 - Mike Garber - 19.09.2009

Because your computer sucks....