Looking for scripters/helpers? Post here!

Looking for an experienced Scripter who has been involved in large scale projects before. Must be willing to work on an existing RP script.

Contact me on Discord - Flip#9750

I am looking for staff members
Pm me

i want to go in your teamviewer while you are scripting so i can learn

I'm looking for a partner to develop a hardcore Wild West Roleplay server. It will be based around year 1850, on a custom map, mapped away from the San Andreas, in the middle of the sea. I already have the map done, only thing I'm missing is a partner and some motivation to do this. Feel free to contact me via PM.

Call of Duty - World War IV is currently searching for a scripter

We will not be paying, only we can do is giving a management rank and donator rank.
Hit me a PM If you are Interested

Server will be in hosted tab today/tomorrow.


We are also hiring admins and mappers.

We are looking for someone who can post a server advertisements for our Prison Roleplay server!

In need of a competent scripter, the work I need done is complicated so you must be experienced - you will be well compensated for your work. Contact me via PM if interested.

Hi, i have a blank gamemode and i want to start it by adding this [FS] https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=299791

my code compiled without errors or warnings... and when i disconnects it saves my last location in the file but when i join it doesn't spawn me at last location it spawns me at default location can anyone help me to get it working i really need this to work.


Looking for a skilled textdraw designer to create a textdraw menu for my server - you will be paid for your work. PM me on here or add me on discord (Intellects#9515) if you're interested.

Warfield - Call of duty is looking for somebody who can speak both of english and russian or turkish to help us translating the gamemode, Reward is trial admin rank.

You can contact me on discord !KaryM711#1420

A new upcoming server is looking for admins/helpers(staff) to help it grow.
We already have everything that is needed including a script, forum host and server host

___Contact Us On Discord___

Inexorable Gaming Cops and Robbers is currently looking for:
  1. Active moderators
  2. Active Administrators
Server is on hosted tab listing.
Contact me on discord: Ultraz#1564

Looking for a partner for the community and two beta testers to test all the features and updates with our gamemode.
It's DM/Freeroam/RPG/Gangwars/CnR/Events gamemode without Stunts

Looking for testers for a roleplay server. PM me for more information.

I am looking for a roleplay gamemode scripter. PM me if you’re interested so we can further talk.

Revoked Gaming is recruiting staff for a deathmatch server.

Contact me on Discord (below) or via forum PM if you're interested.

Discord: Xadr#7199

Looking for someone to script a cop-chase server for me. You will be in the management team and I may pay you some money each month to script. Hit me up on discord Curtis#4893

Need an experienced textdraw designer for my server, you will be very well paid for your work. Contact me via PM or through Discord (Intellects#9515) if you're interested. The work is complicated, so if you don't know what you're doing or can't handle complicated work this isn't for you.

An experienced developer with a good English skills who is willing to stay at a community for a long time. Please add me on discord #Curtis4893 I need one ASAP. I will not be paying.

I need testers for my Roleplay server , and willing to be in the community and get Administration Rank.

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