Suggestions for 0.3.8

Originally Posted by Cothect
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More keys ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

Originally Posted by Xeon™
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this can be scripted Ї\_(ツ)_/Ї

-> detect KEY_FIRE ->get vehicle -> compare vehicle -> call a callback

that's not how you sync a vehicle m8

Originally Posted by Xeon™
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this can be scripted Ї\_(ツ)_/Ї

-> detect KEY_FIRE ->get vehicle -> compare vehicle -> call a callback
Wow bro.

custom OnPlayerWeaponShot? Lemme see ur awesome code

Originally Posted by Kar
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Wow bro.

custom OnPlayerWeaponShot? Lemme see ur awesome code
I do support what you are asking, it would be way better if we could just forbid player to fire (and he would not see himself firing anything on client side) but here is a small idea for workaround if Kye does not implement it or until he does.
NOTE: Didnt test it but you should get the idea...
You will need Pawn.RakNet plugin
pawn Код:
#define ID_VEHICLE_SYNC  200
public OnIncomingPacket(playerid, packetid, BitStream:bs)
    if (packetid == ID_VEHICLE_SYNC)
        new inCarData[PR_InCarSync];

        BS_IgnoreBits(bs, 8); //Ignore 1 byte (packet identifier - default int size for 32bit C/C++)
        BS_ReadInCarSync(bs, inCarData); //Read data into our array

        //I suck with bitmasking so these may be wrong...
        //Point is to always set KEY_FIRE bit to 0
    //Logically invert KEY_FIRE and then add it to PR_keys ( i guess i did that... :D )
        inCarData[PR_keys] = (inCarData[PR_keys] & (~KEY_FIRE));

        //After we tempred with data, write it back and continue...
        BS_SetWriteOffset(bs, 8); //Since we ignored first byte, skip it here (we didnt modify it and didnt save it)
        BS_WriteInCarSync(bs, inCarData); //Write our modified data that will be passed to samp server
    return 1;

Please add!
RedirectPlayerToServer(playerid, ipadress[], port);

Make something like if a player has 0.3.8 installed he can play in all 0.3.8(versions) without installing the new versions for new updates.

Originally Posted by AlexMSK
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Make something like if a player has 0.3.8 installed he can play in all 0.3.8(versions) without installing the new versions for new updates.
not only 0.3.8 but in all 0.3 servers.

native ToggleHUDComponent(playerid, componentid, toggle);
native SetWaterLevel(Float:level);
native GetWaterLevel();
native GetPlayerStamina(playerid, &Float:stamina);
native SetPlayerStamina(playerid, Float:stamina);
native GetPlayerOxygen(playerid, &Float:oxygen);
native SetPlayerOxygen(playerid, Float:oxygen);

fix Preload library animations (if it is possible)
(preload library animations in first spawn is slow)

Originally Posted by Calgon
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Katana beheading yes pls!
Yes!! And headpop of when when headshot.

Edit: Possibility to use original pool and basket, with other players.

To add custom vehicles,to incease slots,vehicle limit and object limit.

Change the gun sight

SightTexture(playerid, txdname[], texturename[]);

Originally Posted by Logic_
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Whenever we listen to a radio stream, we get a small text label on the bottom-left of the screen, I want something similar to be available for scripting. This was suggested before in 0.3.7 scripting thread or so, but was never implemented. Adding this would be easy and would help us to mock or in other words, create our own chat system, because the one right now, takes too much space and is kind of a mainstream. I'd love to utilize that space for some textdraws though. and show the 'new player chat' above our hud.

This will also allow us to use custom fonts available on the client, for example, like in HTML or w.e, a text can will be shown in one or another available font on the PC. Plus, giving us (server owners) ability to download custom fonts for servers would give us a more wider array of available fonts.

Would really love to see some creativity about this.

I think it would be interesting to know when a download file was finalized. We know when a download is requested, and when it all ends. I also think it would be interesting to inform the server that there were download failures so that we can check causes or help the player to solve these problems.

forward OnPlayerFinishedDownloadFile(playerid, crc);
forward OnPlayerDownloadFailed(playerid, crc, errorid);
Also I have suggested, an option in server.cfg to enable / disable artworks messages in the log.

artworklog 0/1
Or work with a warning system (for example when a file does not exist, show that an error occurred while opening the file), if the log is disabled.

Something like this could be okey:

With EnableSAVegetation(true/false);

Hello guys, I know this has been suggested many times by many people, but even so, I'm wondering why isn't there any function to hide player's HUD. I know many functions in SA-MP disables it, like:
  • SetPlayerDrunkLevel
  • TogglePlayerSpectate
  • Dance special actions
  • Select functions (objects, TextDraws, etc.)
  • Pressing F7
Why don't you provide some function to control it? As far as I know Kalcor said long time ago he wants to stay sticked to the original GTA style, alright, isn't there any remote possibility to add this to the 0.3.8 version? The new functions provide the ability to add things really far away from what the original game is!

On the other hand, in my humble opinion this would help so many servers right now. Imagine any kind of survivor mode with custom models and with the HUD disabled, it would look much better and would make more sense!

I guess a function like the next one would do the job:
PHP код:
I'm pretty sure many people (including me) would like to know why a function like this hasn't been added. If I'm not wrong KingHual did it on his SA-MP+ plugin. YSF has also so many things which might be added! Why are all those suggestion threads ignored? I know the SA-MP dev. team owe me nothing, but I expect at least a formal answer, for the community.

Thank you in advance.

SelectTextDraw does too
I would like to know the answer to those questions also

good idea

yeah this is really needed

I support your idea, I'm waiting for this from 2011.

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