Suggestions for 0.3.8

More than 1k slots

Originally Posted by bluur
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Simple delete object from map :P

There should be option for bulk compressed download. It will speedup the process and save bandwidth.

custom fonts!

Ability to check if a person forced crash by pausing and starting new game or he got crashed for real that will be good for RP Servers if it is possible.

Originally Posted by Kar
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- CULLZONE manipulation.
- Per Player Pickups.
Definitely those two. Also I think MAX_OBJECTS should be increased to at least 2000. And no, don't tell me to use a streamer. When I made a server in spring, I had issues with streaming distance in some parts of Los Santos as there were 1000 objects streamed in all the time. If it's currently capped at 1000 just to prevent client-side lag, then it should be increased because vehicles cause a lot more client-side lag than objects and they're currently capped at 2000. I know that the game engine is over 10 years old, but if it causes any major issues, it could be reverted after the RC's as they're not meant for public use anyway.

Originally Posted by ReD_HunTeR
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Ability to check if a person forced crash by pausing and starting new game or he got crashed for real that will be good for RP Servers if it is possible.
I suggest they remove buttons "start new game", "brief", "stats" from the pause menu.

idk if this topic will be readed by kalcor or not but I want to suggest something very useful.
Multi threading in PlayAudioStreamForPlayer would be nice. I mean if I would be able to listen to 2 or more different streams at the same.

There is not enough opportunity to load new vehicles, new sounds and custom .txt files (for interfaces in textdraw)

Fix the damn old bugs! sniper god, climb bug, ghost mode on surfing vehicle (we cant give damage by sniper rifle) and many more, samp is not only RP, also .aac format in PlayAudioStreamForPlayer would be nice

Ability to set where you want to put water. (Possibly has to do with CULL zones as well?)
Addition to the actors system: make actors walk, run, drive vehicles and fall. Also make actors able to obtain weapons as well and make them able to shoot. Make them able to point wherever you want to.
Ability to change textures for AttachObjectToPlayer and AttachObjectToVehicle (SetAttachObjectMaterial?)
Ability to make players having no collison. (By this I mean they can go through each one.)

Originally Posted by Jefff
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Fix the damn old bugs! sniper god, climb bug, ghost mode on surfing vehicle (we cant give damage by sniper rifle) and many more, samp is not only RP, also .aac format in PlayAudioStreamForPlayer would be nice

SAMP team try to make updates for all modes but it’s hard let’s everyone happy with the updates.

Think if they are making updates it’s because they want improve the mode.

Increase attached player objects limitation from 10 to infinity or (100-500).

Originally Posted by maksicnm
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Simple delete object from map :P
What do you mean?

Better control over keys
Function to disable TAB list

I suggest adding the management of the characteristics of vehicles. There is already a ready-made version of this implementation in the form of a plug-in, you can see more details here:

Approximately how it will look in the game, you can see in this video:

Custom Map icons(10-15) to import mapicons
Custom font slots (2-3) to import fonts

Originally Posted by EstoniaNMaN
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Addition to the actors system: make actors walk, run, drive vehicles and fall. Also make actors able to obtain weapons as well and make them able to shoot. Make them able to point wherever you want to.
For these purposes there's NPC, not actors.

  • There need to be security mechanics like checking objects files for malware or smth (external upload or new file format that compiles into clean code or smth).
So on there is an essential thing that is needed in SAMP:
  • CEF instead of Textdraws.
  • Keys-Checks (Detection)
  • Mouse-Click (Detection)
  • Downloading Images (.TXD files) to use with the textdraws
  • Mouse-Position check
  • A much huger Textdraw Limit
  • Support of custom fonts or addition of specials characters (such as @,...)
  • Maybe Textdraw Performance fix (a great amount of Textdraws starts flashing)
  • Greater Objects Limit OR Download of a custom Map
  • Vehicle handling AND Vehicle Model Download
  • Control HUD Components like Healthbar and Minimap (disable / enable)
  • Weapon Model Download
  • AFK-Detection (Game is in background etc...)

Originally Posted by Alf21
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  • There need to be security mechanics like checking objects files for malware or smth (external upload or new file format that compiles into clean code or smth).
So on there is an essential thing that is needed in SAMP:
  • CEF instead of Textdraws.
  • Keys-Checks
  • Mouse-Click
  • Downloading Images (.TXD files) to use with the textdraws
  • Mouse-Position check
  • A much huger Textdraw Limit
  • Maybe Textdraw Performance fix (a great amount of Textdraws starts flashing)
  • Greater Objects Limit OR Download of a custom Map
Downloading Images (.TXD files) to use with the textdraws

This! + More keys avaible.

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