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Joined: Jul 2017
I've bought a host (linux) and i am looking for a partner who is at least a medium scripter and have a decent gamemode so we can both start our community.
PM me if you meet the reqs.
Posts: 83
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Joined: Mar 2014
Looking for Experienced, Mature Staff. Make sure you meet the requirments before you apply.
More Information on my signature.
Posts: 882
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Joined: Aug 2011
Seeking mapper. Discord me @ rangerxxll
Posts: 18
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Joined: Oct 2016
i recently mmade a hosted server cops and robbers and i need a good scripter for it. i dont need to edit everything. i just want to add some new cmds and want to add some maps. if u can help then contact me
discord RR|Gurjinder #5199
Hello sa-mp community.
Alright so im actially looking for a scripter for building an unique roleplay script
im searching for a exparianced scripter that writed an roleplay script before who can write a big script with many systems
For serious people only!
for paymant information you can pm me
have a good day.
Posts: 83
Threads: 5
Joined: Mar 2014
Looking for Experienced, Mature Staff. Make sure you meet the requirments before you apply.
More Information on my signature.
Posts: 578
Threads: 40
Joined: Dec 2016

What are we looking for?We're looking simply for a person to map for us for free, the jobs this person will get is /ONLY/ small interiors. The exterior part of Angel Pine is I myself taking care of.
Let's cut the long ass bullshit as usually; What's the payment?There's no payment at all, we're a community driven simply off interest, you will be assigned shit to do but you won't get paid.
Hit us up at
Skype (
Steam (MichaelGriffinBby)
Posts: 277
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Joined: Apr 2017
I'm looking for partners to open up a new community server, the expenses will be deliberated by me, the GM doesen't matter either, if you already have the script suggest it to me, i only need a experienced player [no matter what GM he played], that knows at least to set up a server when it's hosted and to help you boost the chances of joining, the candidate must know something about scripting. If you're intrested in becoming the "Community Manager" along with me, hit me up here or on Discord.
You can only contact me Here [PM], or on Discord.
Discord: Escobar#0607
Posts: 435
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Joined: Jul 2017
I have a unique CnR gamemode, if someone is interested PM me with your offer!
Looking forward to see it on a decent community!
Posts: 117
Threads: 34
Joined: Nov 2014
I want to hire someone who can script for us. Pm me your price/month and show me some of your scripts that you made before. Have a good day
Posts: 479
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Joined: Feb 2016
04.09.2017, 10:43
Последний раз редактировалось MarkNelson; 04.09.2017 в 13:40.
we're currently hiring a hoster for Restaurant Death-match and bring it in the hosted tab list
if you're interested, you can PM ME.
and you'll be rewarded as co-owner
Posts: 73
Threads: 15
Joined: Jun 2017
I'm looking a simple cnr gamemode which work like Los Santos cnr only Los santos